Figure 13. Senate Districts implemented on April 22, 2002, with additional details on race and ethnicity. This table is similar to Figure 10 but contains additional demographic data about the districts depending on whether you are interested in counting Hispanics/Latinos as a race (which the state of New York does) or as an ethnicity of any race (as the Census Bureau and federal government does). The table also reports the size of the incarcerated Latino population in each Senate district.
District Population Non- Hispanic White Percent Non- Hispanic White White Percent White Black Percent Black Non- Hispanic Black Percent Non- Hispanic Black Non- Hispanic Black Adults American Indian Asian Hawaiian Other More than one race Hispanic Percent Hispanic Hispanic Adults Prisoners Non- Hispanic Black Prisoners Hispanic Prisoners % Hispanic adults disenfranchised
1 305,989 255,807 84% 270,417 88% 17,282 6% 16,508 5% 11,151 1,457 4,512 140 6,696 5,485 23,583 8% 15,883 0 0 0 0.00%
2 305,990 270,241 88% 280,525 92% 5,477 2% 5,129 2% 3,964 312 12,943 64 3,017 3,652 14,308 5% 9,940 0 0 0 0.00%
3 305,989 219,624 72% 245,985 80% 24,311 8% 22,483 7% 14,603 878 6,211 146 20,061 8,397 51,906 17% 34,653 0 0 0 0.00%
4 305,991 226,603 74% 247,482 81% 29,926 10% 28,406 9% 18,706 656 5,836 83 14,630 7,378 39,739 13% 26,811 0 0 0 0.00%
5 305,990 253,364 83% 267,449 87% 10,470 3% 10,020 3% 6,945 390 15,108 56 7,512 5,005 23,719 8% 16,626 0 0 0 0.00%
6 305,993 205,461 67% 223,520 73% 50,981 17% 49,316 16% 34,983 587 9,997 107 14,048 6,753 36,430 12% 25,538 0 0 0 0.00%
7 305,991 217,463 71% 235,202 77% 26,931 9% 25,862 8% 18,363 511 26,026 108 9,425 7,788 30,312 10% 21,580 0 0 0 0.00%
8 305,990 213,588 70% 229,137 75% 48,712 16% 47,057 15% 32,541 722 6,078 86 14,156 7,099 34,274 11% 23,234 0 0 0 0.00%
9 305,990 243,201 79% 259,323 85% 19,136 6% 18,341 6% 12,276 406 11,140 94 9,968 5,923 28,422 9% 19,675 0 0 0 0.00%
10 318,481 48,909 15% 67,499 21% 172,630 54% 167,242 53% 121,345 2,149 25,690 243 26,464 23,806 47,961 15% 34,271 0 0 0 0.00%
11 318,482 156,666 49% 180,583 57% 19,967 6% 18,508 6% 14,127 1,060 82,869 162 19,175 14,666 45,022 14% 32,806 0 0 0 0.00%
12 318,484 123,056 39% 169,678 53% 19,136 6% 16,508 5% 11,420 1,654 53,686 212 49,399 24,719 105,325 33% 77,182 604 343 178 0.23%
13 318,484 38,855 12% 119,849 38% 33,846 11% 29,037 9% 22,124 2,448 62,233 250 78,435 21,423 178,014 56% 131,529 0 0 0 0.00%
14 318,481 60,111 19% 77,725 24% 173,698 55% 167,834 53% 119,224 1,401 22,651 178 24,509 18,319 49,035 15% 34,554 0 0 0 0.00%
15 318,484 167,380 53% 203,451 64% 10,435 3% 8,547 3% 5,858 1,639 37,803 181 44,846 20,129 83,263 26% 56,431 0 0 0 0.00%
16 318,483 137,918 43% 163,940 51% 16,477 5% 15,155 5% 11,576 726 106,568 105 17,559 13,108 47,985 15% 36,333 0 0 0 0.00%
17 311,260 50,881 16% 100,218 32% 68,563 22% 58,337 19% 38,901 2,814 13,932 384 104,432 20,917 175,415 56% 117,359 0 0 0 0.00%
18 311,260 39,635 13% 64,611 21% 186,539 60% 177,596 57% 125,458 1,914 8,057 202 36,377 13,560 76,088 24% 52,119 0 0 0 0.00%
19 311,258 33,970 11% 45,952 15% 225,022 72% 214,592 69% 142,754 1,091 6,515 150 21,131 11,397 47,120 15% 30,402 0 0 0 0.00%
20 311,259 59,891 19% 72,986 23% 188,847 61% 179,983 58% 130,219 1,180 13,693 184 21,628 12,741 46,573 15% 32,631 0 0 0 0.00%
21 311,259 70,710 23% 81,381 26% 184,556 59% 177,872 57% 127,857 1,033 16,055 127 14,699 13,408 32,766 11% 22,824 0 0 0 0.00%
22 311,260 220,905 71% 235,831 76% 2,320 1% 1,854 1% 1,395 561 51,092 136 9,367 11,953 26,519 9% 18,714 0 0 0 0.00%
23 311,259 131,603 42% 161,098 52% 54,657 18% 49,787 16% 31,524 1,384 43,982 174 35,260 14,704 75,006 24% 49,218 0 0 0 0.00%
24 311,258 261,263 84% 276,915 89% 5,837 2% 5,317 2% 3,945 444 17,857 106 5,020 5,079 22,587 7% 15,321 959 471 332 2.17%
25 311,258 144,592 46% 170,180 55% 23,607 8% 20,027 6% 15,935 887 73,219 149 30,442 12,774 60,802 20% 45,612 0 0 0 0.00%
26 311,260 257,154 83% 268,724 86% 6,570 2% 6,136 2% 5,544 293 25,998 138 3,751 5,786 16,166 5% 14,183 0 0 0 0.00%
27 311,259 226,015 73% 238,243 77% 17,505 6% 16,231 5% 10,882 601 35,929 142 10,478 8,361 25,211 8% 17,534 0 0 0 0.00%
28 311,261 31,188 10% 83,138 27% 104,572 34% 88,567 28% 59,953 3,190 8,218 325 92,925 18,893 176,436 57% 116,363 0 0 0 0.00%
29 311,260 225,300 72% 244,826 79% 18,566 6% 16,749 5% 14,450 711 25,369 200 12,332 9,256 35,752 11% 29,635 438 244 152 0.51%
30 311,263 50,324 16% 74,452 24% 164,697 53% 151,867 49% 113,950 2,152 9,090 258 45,725 14,889 91,632 29% 64,090 825 395 364 0.57%
31 311,257 94,262 30% 134,362 43% 32,496 10% 22,132 7% 18,097 2,939 10,005 284 110,281 20,890 178,756 57% 128,297 0 0 0 0.00%
32 311,260 18,152 6% 82,023 26% 107,428 35% 90,439 29% 61,471 2,966 8,855 416 90,261 19,311 185,013 59% 123,823 0 0 0 0.00%
33 311,258 32,187 10% 85,366 27% 84,205 27% 69,270 22% 47,067 3,338 14,413 329 101,799 21,808 185,758 60% 120,004 0 0 0 0.00%
34 311,260 175,159 56% 206,836 66% 44,383 14% 40,546 13% 31,054 1,082 14,585 168 32,307 11,899 71,363 23% 49,861 0 0 0 0.00%
35 311,259 179,642 58% 204,904 66% 45,348 15% 42,426 14% 28,952 1,085 17,903 155 30,426 11,438 63,159 20% 41,918 0 0 0 0.00%
36 311,259 15,718 5% 42,932 14% 207,009 67% 194,789 63% 138,168 1,923 3,666 282 40,916 14,531 87,231 28% 56,516 232 87 140 0.25%
37 311,260 207,674 67% 235,505 76% 30,933 10% 29,639 10% 22,453 675 14,199 124 20,625 9,199 53,946 17% 38,891 2,264 1,241 722 1.86%
38 320,851 235,471 73% 251,643 78% 32,900 10% 31,412 10% 21,493 783 16,196 219 11,359 7,751 31,315 10% 21,711 737 406 211 0.97%
39 305,749 239,352 78% 256,674 84% 24,915 8% 23,443 8% 15,360 937 4,652 100 11,690 6,781 32,706 11% 20,636 0 0 0 0.00%
40 303,372 255,848 84% 269,263 89% 14,911 5% 14,025 5% 10,430 565 5,938 75 7,510 5,110 23,199 8% 16,308 1,318 699 367 2.25%
41 301,528 246,299 82% 255,138 85% 26,643 9% 25,603 8% 17,731 605 7,089 94 6,344 5,615 17,209 6% 11,434 6,623 3,441 2,035 17.80%
42 301,290 252,572 84% 265,433 88% 17,764 6% 16,321 5% 12,511 979 3,416 95 7,970 5,633 23,662 8% 15,852 5,825 2,984 1,920 12.11%
43 302,261 279,140 92% 281,938 93% 9,535 3% 9,172 3% 6,319 638 4,472 56 2,041 3,581 5,482 2% 3,471 0 0 0 0.00%
44 302,248 273,258 90% 278,297 92% 11,854 4% 11,176 4% 7,087 640 3,655 77 3,194 4,531 9,533 3% 5,531 1,364 660 414 7.49%
45 299,603 276,185 92% 279,315 93% 9,548 3% 8,997 3% 8,474 3,853 1,418 62 2,892 2,515 6,820 2% 5,807 12,989 6,501 4,160 71.64%
46 294,565 240,913 82% 245,060 83% 32,624 11% 31,514 11% 21,020 605 8,090 84 3,102 5,000 9,079 3% 5,861 0 0 0 0.00%
47 291,303 264,784 91% 268,406 92% 12,175 4% 11,696 4% 8,160 1,235 3,196 74 2,461 3,756 6,991 2% 4,582 3,563 1,743 1,325 28.92%
48 290,925 267,690 92% 270,890 93% 9,542 3% 9,121 3% 7,175 1,373 1,770 195 3,536 3,619 7,744 3% 5,470 5,291 2,791 1,824 33.35%
49 291,303 239,639 82% 242,908 83% 33,923 12% 32,966 11% 21,356 1,569 5,185 85 2,571 5,062 7,422 3% 4,862 2,881 1,391 940 19.33%
50 291,303 261,089 90% 263,941 91% 12,002 4% 11,539 4% 7,037 2,906 5,058 87 2,079 5,230 5,912 2% 3,159 0 0 0 0.00%
51 291,482 275,547 95% 278,888 96% 5,466 2% 5,146 2% 4,136 747 1,525 72 1,619 3,165 5,537 2% 3,912 3,108 1,639 971 24.82%
52 291,961 270,012 92% 272,416 93% 7,113 2% 6,776 2% 4,528 606 6,007 68 1,768 3,983 4,874 2% 3,073 256 135 78 2.54%
53 294,378 267,689 91% 270,373 92% 9,737 3% 9,405 3% 7,108 772 7,467 66 1,903 4,060 5,200 2% 3,887 3,033 1,665 781 20.09%
54 291,303 268,036 92% 271,520 93% 9,693 3% 9,254 3% 6,836 694 3,048 44 2,598 3,706 7,001 2% 4,560 3,551 1,851 1,000 21.93%
55 301,947 261,034 86% 265,904 88% 18,725 6% 18,074 6% 11,914 632 7,943 63 3,915 4,765 10,224 3% 6,318 0 0 0 0.00%
56 301,947 191,822 64% 199,955 66% 73,969 24% 71,939 24% 44,907 984 7,427 121 12,078 7,413 24,058 8% 14,062 101 35 14 0.10%
57 295,288 274,699 93% 278,803 94% 5,686 2% 5,324 2% 4,212 2,977 1,340 59 3,206 3,217 8,085 3% 5,036 3,702 1,752 1,052 20.89%
58 298,637 266,461 89% 272,219 91% 11,778 4% 11,160 4% 7,513 1,109 2,417 53 7,001 4,060 14,343 5% 8,389 0 0 0 0.00%
59 294,256 277,192 94% 279,688 95% 6,509 2% 6,273 2% 5,895 2,783 1,463 65 1,669 2,079 4,700 2% 3,707 8,951 4,447 2,427 65.47%
60 298,636 162,738 54% 167,577 56% 113,014 38% 111,480 37% 73,814 2,579 3,720 114 5,213 6,419 12,363 4% 7,334 0 0 0 0.00%
61 298,635 276,330 93% 278,702 93% 7,166 2% 7,000 2% 5,068 973 7,674 70 1,205 2,845 3,822 1% 2,395 0 0 0 0.00%
62 301,947 272,709 90% 276,490 92% 14,118 5% 13,698 5% 9,328 1,658 2,827 72 2,940 3,842 7,705 3% 4,833 2,851 1,528 847 17.53%
Total 18,976,457 11,760,981 62% 12,893,689 68% 3,014,385 16% 2,812,623 15% 1,978,647 82,461 1,044,976 8,818 1,341,946 590,182 2,867,583 15% 1,974,551 71,466 36,449 22,254 1.13%

Sources and methodology

Total district population as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic White district population as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
Percent Non-Hispanic White
This is the number of non-Hispanic Whites in the district divided by the total population of the district.
This is the White population of each district, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
Percent White
This is the number of Whites in the district divided by the total population of the district.
This is the Black population of each district, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
Percent Black
This is the number of Blacks in the district divided by the total population of the district.
Non-Hispanic Black
Non-Hispanic Black district population as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
Percent Non-Hispanic Black
This is the number of non-Hispanic Blacks in the district divided by the total population of the district.
Non-Hispanic Black Adults
Non-Hispanic Black aged 18 or older district population as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
American Indian
This is the American Indian population of each district, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
This is the Asian population of each district, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
This is the Native Hawaiian population of each district, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
This is the population of each district reporting a race as "other", as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
More than one race
This is the population of each district reporting more than one race, as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse.
This is the population of each district that is Hispanic as published in the shapefile created by Empire State Development and distributed on the New York State GIS clearinghouse. This also matches the data published by the New York State Legislative Taskforce on Redistricting and Reapportionment.
Percent Hispanic
This is the number of Hispanics in the district divided by the total population of the district.
Hispanic Adults
Hispanic district population aged 18 or older as reported on page 2 of the pdf district map by the New York State Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment.
Each prison was mapped from the Department of Correctional Services facility list and driving directions, and where that was unsuccessful, prisons were mapped with the assistance of the assessor's offices in several upstate towns. The individual prison populations were drawn from Department of Correctional Services, State of New York, The Hub System: Profile of Inmates Undercustody on January 1, 2000, table 1, "total" column, and then aggregated to the district level.
Non-Hispanic Black Prisoners
Each prison was mapped from the Department of Correctional Services facility list and driving directions, and where that was unsuccessful, prisons were mapped with the assistance of the assessor's offices in several upstate towns. The individual prison populations were drawn from Department of Correctional Services, State of New York, The Hub System: Profile of Inmates Undercustody on January 1, 2000, table 3, "African-American" column, and then aggregated to the district level. This column refers to Non-Hispanic Blacks.
Hispanic Prisoners
Each prison was mapped from the Department of Correctional Services facility list and driving directions, and where that was unsuccessful, prisons were mapped with the assistance of the assessor's offices in several upstate towns. The individual prison populations were drawn from Department of Correctional Services, State of New York, The Hub System: Profile of Inmates Undercustody on January 1, 2000, table 3, "Hispanic" column, and then aggregated to the district level.
% Hispanic adults disenfranchised
This is the number of Hispanic prisoners divided by the Hispanic adult population of the district.

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