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Alterna liver til frihedsstraf - Et debatoplg. (Alternatives to imprisonment - a debate proposal.) Betnkning nr. 806, Kbenhavn 1977.

American Friend's Service Committee: Struggle for justice. N. Y. 1971.

Andernes, Johs: Almenprevensjonen - illusjon eller realitet? (General prevention - illusion or reality.) Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab 1950, 33, 103-133.

Andemes, Jobs: Punishment and deterrence. With a foreword by Norval Morris. Ann Arbor 1974.

Anttila, Inkeri: Konservativ och radikal kriminalpolitik i Norden. (Conservative and radical criminal policy within the Nordic countries). Nordisk tids skrift for kriminalvidenskab 1967, 55, 237-251.

Anttila, Inked: Et forslag til strafflagsreform i Finland. (A proposal for penal reform in Finland.) Nordisk tidsskrift for krirninalvidenskab 1977, 65, 102106.

Aubert, Vilhelm: Urn straffens sosiale funksjoner. (On the social functions of punishment.) Oslo 1954.

Aubert, Vilhelm: Legal justice and mental health. Psychiatry, 1958, 21, 101-113.

Aubert, Vilhelm and Thomas Mathiesen: Forbrytelse og sykdom. (Crime and Illness.) Tidsskrft for samfunnsforskning 1962, 3, pp 169-93.

Balvig, Flemming: Om ldre kvinders angst for kriminalitet. (On elderly women's fear of criminality.) Rapport fra kontaktseminariet, Sundvolden, Norge 1979. Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology. pp. 132-139.

Beccaria, Cesare: Dei deilitti e delle pene. Urn brott och straff. Livorno 1766, Stockholm-Roma 1977, 203 p.

Becker, Howard: Whose side are we on? Social problems, 1967, 14, 239-247.

Bianchi, Herman: Het assensusmodel - Een studie over het binnenlands asylrecht. Tijdschrift voor crirninologie, 1979, 21, pp. 167-179. In Norwegian: Assensusmodellen. En studie over innenlandsk asylrett. Stensilserien, Institutt for kriminologi og strafferett, Oslo 1981.

Bjørkan, Wendy: Lensrnannsetaten: En overlevning fra fortiden eller en modell for fremtiden? (The sheriff - a relic from the past or a model for the future?) Institutt for kriminologi og strafferett, 1977, nr. 25 Mimeo.

Bondeson, Ulla: Fángen i fångsarnhället. (The prisoner within the society of captives.) MalmO 1974.

Bottoms, A. E.: An introduction to "The coming crisis". In: Bottoms, A. E. and R. H. Preston: The coming penal crisis. A criminological and theological exploration. Edinburgh 1980.

Brottsforebyggande ridet: Nytt straffsystem. Ideer och förslag. Stockholm. Rapport 1977:7(Also published in English Summary: The National Swedish Council for crime prevention: A new penal system. Ideas and proposals, Stockholm 1978, Report No 5.)

Börjeson, Bengt: Om påföljders verkningar. (On the effects of sanctions.) Uppsala, 1966.

Callewaert, Staf and Bengt An. Nilsson: Samhället, skolan och skolans indre arbete. (Society, the school and the work inside the school.) Sweden 1979.

Christiansen, Karl O., Mogens Moe and Leif Senholt, in collaboration with

Ken Schubell, and Karin Zedeler: Effektiviteten af forvaring og sarfa!ngsel m.v. (The effectiveness of non-penal incarceration and special prison etc.) Denmark 1972. Statens trykningskontor, Betenkning nr. 644.

Christie, Nils: Tvangsarbeid og alkoholbruk. (Forced labour and the use of alcohol.) Oslo 1960 a.

Christie, Nils: Reaksjonenes virkninger. (The effects of the sanctions.) Nordisk tidsskrifl for kriminalvjdenskab 1960 b, 49, pp 129-144.

Christie, Nils: Forskning om individual-prevensjon kontra almenprevensjon. (Research on individual prevention versus general prevention.) Lov og Rett 1971, nr. X, 49-60.

Christie, Nils: Fan gevoktere i konsentrasjonsleire. (Guards in concentration camps.) Oslo 1972.

Christie, Nils: Conflicts as Property. Br.j. Crim, 1977, 17, 1-19.

Clarke, Bill: Enough room for joy. Jean Vanier's L'Arche. A message for our time. London 1974.

Cohen, Stan: Guilt, justice and tolerance: Some old concepts for a new criminology.

1977, Mim. Dept. of sociology, Univ. of Essex, England.

Cohen, Stan: The Punitive City: Notes on the Dispersal of Social Control, Contemporary Crises, 1979, 3, pp. 339-64.

Cohen, Stan and Laurie Taylor: Psychological survival. The experience of long term imprisonment. G.B. 1972.

Cooper, The iron fist and the velvet glove: An analysis of the U.S. police. Berkeley 1974.

Dahl, Tove Stang: Statsmakt og sosial kontroll. (State power and social control.) In Rune Slagstad, ed: Om Staten. Oslo 1977.

Dahl, Tove Stang: Barnevern og samfunnsvern. (Child welfare and social defence) Oslo 1978.

Dalgard, Odd Steffen: Abnorme lovovertredere. Diagnose og prognose. (Abnormal offenders, Diagnosis and prognosis.) Oslo 1966.

Ehriich, Isaac: The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment. A Question of Life and Death. Am Ec. Rev. 1975, 65, pp. 397-417.

Englund, G. och Hasselakollektivet: Tvánget til frihet. (Compulsive freedom.) Stockholm 1978.

Eriksson, Lars: Varning for yard. (Warning against treatment.) 1967.

Foucault, Michel: Surveiller et punir. France 1975. (Discipline and punish London 1978.)

Gershuny, J. I.: The informal economy. Its role in post-industrial society. Futures, 1979, 12, pp. 3-15.

Gershuny, J. I. and R. E. Pahi: Work outside employment: some preliminary speculations. New universities quarterly, 1980, 34, pp. 120-135.

Gluckman, Max: The judicial process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia. Manchester 1967.

Goldschmidt, Verner: Den grndlanske kriminallov og dens sociologiske baggrund. (The criminal law of Greenland and its sociological background.) Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminal videnskab, 1954, 42, pp. 133-148 and 242-268.

Gorer, Geoffrey: Death, grief and mourning in contemporary Britain. N.Y. 1965.

Gottfredson, Don, Leslie T. Wilkins and Peter B. Hoffman: Guidelines for parole and sentencing. A policy control method, USA 1978.

Gouldner, Al: The sociologist as partisan. Sociology and the welfare state. The American Sociologist, 1968, 3, 103-116.

Greenberg, David F. and Drew Humphries: The cooptation of fixed sentencing reform. Crime and delinquency 1980, 26, pp. 206 -225.

Hernes, Gudmund and Knud Knudsen: Utdanning og ulikhet. (Education and inequality.) NOU 1976:46.

Hirsch, Andrew von: Prediction of criminal conduct and preventive confinement of convicted persons. Buffalo law review, 1972, 21, pp. 717-758.

Hirsch, Andrew von: Doing justice. Report of the committee for the study of incarceration. N. Y. 1976.

Humans, George Caspar: The human group. London 1951.

Ignatieff, Michael: A just measure of pain. The penitentiary in the industrial revolution 1750-1850. G. B. 1978.

Illich, Ivan: The right to useful unemployment and its professional enemies. London 1978.

Illich, Ivan: Shadow work. Boston - London 1981.

Jakobsen, Knut Dahl: Politisk fattigdom. (Political poverty.) Kontrast 1964, 3, pp. 5-11.

Kinberg, Olof, Gunnar Inghe and Svend Riemer: Incest problemet i Sverige (The incest problem in Sweden.) Stockholm 1943.

Kutschinsky, Berl: Law, pornography and crime: The Danish experience. London, in press (1981).

Lewis, C. S.: The problem of pain, Great Britain 1940. Fontana books 1980.

Lindblom, Ulf. Smärtbehandling under omprövning (Treatment of pain reconsidered.) Nordisk medisin 1980, 95, p. 75.

Lusseyrand, Jacques: And there was light. Boston 1963. (Norwegian edition: Og det ble lys. Dreyer 1978.)

Madsen, Børge: I skorpionens halespids. Et speciale om mig og Christiania (In the tail of the scorpion.) Christiania 1979.

Mathiesen, Thomas: The politics of abolition. Essays in political action theory. Scandinavian studies in criminology. Oslo and London 1974.

Mathiesen, Thomas: Den skjulte disiplinering (The hidden discipline.) Oslo 1978.

Milgram, Stanley: Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority. Human relations, 1965, 18, pp. 57-75.

Myrdal, Jan: Folket och ordningen (The, people and the order). Folket i Bud/Kulturfront. Stockholm 1977. 6 nb. 4, 9 and 15.

Mäkelä, Klaus: Om straffens verkningar. (On the effects of punishments.) Eripainos oikeustiede 1975, 6, 237-280.

Neznansky, Friedrich: New information on Soviet criminal statistics. (An insider's report.) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, 1979.

Olaussen, Leif Petter: Fordeling og utvikling av forbrytelser i Norge 1957-75. (Distribution and developments of crime in Norway 1957-1975.) Hovedoppgave i kriminologi. Institutt for kriminologi og strafferett. 1979.

Pahi, R. E., Employment, work and the domestic division of labour. Int. of Urban and Regional research, 1980, 4, pp. 1-20.

Parmann, Øistein ed: Vidariisen landsby. Ideer, dagligliv, bakgrunn. (Vidarãsen village. Ideas, daily life, background.) Oslo 1980.

Platt, Anthon The Child Savers. The invention of delinquency, Chicago 1969.

Radzinowicz ...eon: Ideology and Crime. N. Y. 1966.

Ramsøy, Natalie Rogoff: Sosial mobilitet i Norge. (Social mobility in Norway.) Oslo 1977.

Rawls, John: A theory of justice. Oxford 1972.

Roszak, Teodore: The making of a counter culture. Reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition. N. Y. 1969.

Sellin, Thorsten: Capital punishment. N. Y. 1967.

Snare, Annika: Konfliktlösare i närmiljön. (Conflikt solution in the local milieu.) Rapport fra 21 nordiske forskerseminar p Lillehammer, Norge 1979, Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology. pp. 32-79.

Stang, Hans Jakob: Mangelfullt utviklede ogle//er yang svekkede sje/sevner. Diagnoser og prognoser. (Limited or lastingly diminished mental abilities. Diagnosis and prognosis.) Oslo 1966.

Stortingsmelding nr, 104 (1977-78) Om kriminalpolitikken. Oslo 1978. (Parliamentary report no 104. Concerning criminal policy.)

Straffrättskommittens betãnkande 1976:72. Band I og 2, 1978. (Consideration of the Penal Law Committee 1976:72) Helsinki 1978.

Strindberg, August: Tjänstekvinnans son. (The maid-servant's son) Stockholm 1878.

Stkken, Anne Marie og medarbeidere: Poliiiet i det norske samfunnet. (The police in the Norwegian society.) Oslo 1974.

Sykes, Gresham M.: The society of captives. A study of a maximum security prison. USA 1958.

Takala, Hannu: Den klassiska straffrättens renässans. Utskrjft av innlegg seminar avholdt av Nordisk SamarbeidsrM for Krimino/ogi, Kiljava, Finland 1978. 11 s.

The twentieth century fund task force on criminal sentencing: Fair and certain punishment. USA 1976.

Thelander, Anna: Hassela kol/ektivet. En rapport om vårdinneháll och vardideologi på et hem for unge narkomaner. (The Hassela collectivity.) Stockholm 1979.

Valen-Senstad: For lov og rett i 200 Or. Oslo Politis historie. (For law and order in 200 years. The history of the Oslo-police.) Oslo 1953.

Wheeler, Stanton. Controlling delinquents. N. Y. 1968.

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