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Accessing SNAP and TANF Benefits after a Drug Conviction: A Survey of State Laws Collateral Consequences Resource Center, December, 2023“As of December 5, 2023, 25 states and the District of Columbia have opted out of both federal bans, so that people with drug felony convictions may receive both SNAP and TANF benefits for which they are otherwise eligible.”
Incarceration Status Among Individuals Obtaining Abortion in the United States, 2020 Marielle Kirstein, Liza Fuentes, and Carolyn Sufrin, November, 2023“Sixty-seven clinics across 25 states and the District of Columbia provided more than 300 abortions to incarcerated patients in 2020. Eleven of these clinics are in states that now have total or near-total abortion bans.”
The Reintegration Agenda During Pandemic: Criminal Record Reforms in 2020 Collateral Consequences Resource Center, January, 2021“In 2020, 32 states, the District of Columbia, and the federal government enacted 106 legislative bills, approved 5 ballot initiatives, and issued 4 executive orders to restore rights and opportunities to people with a criminal record.”
Pathways to Reintegration: Criminal Record Reforms in 2019 Collateral Consequences Resource Center, February, 2020“In 2019, 43 states, the District of Columbia, and the federal government enacted an extraordinary 152 laws aimed at reducing barriers faced by people with criminal records in the workplace, at the ballot box, and in many other areas of daily life.”
Free to Drive: States punish poverty by suspending millions of driver's licenses for unpaid fines and fees Free to Drive, September, 2019“44 states and District of Columbia still suspend, revoke or do not allow a person to renew their driver's license if they have unpaid court debt.”
Racial Disparities in D.C. Policing: Descriptive Evidence From 2013-2017 ACLU of the District of Columbia, May, 2019“From 2013 to 2017, Black individuals composed 47% of D.C.'s population but 86% of its arrestees. During this time, Black people were arrested at 10 times the rate of white people.”
Raising the Bar: State Trends in Keeping Youth Out of Adult Courts (2015-2017) Campaign for Youth Justice, October, 2017(Between 2015 & 2017, nine states and the District of Columbia have passed laws to limit or remove youth from adult facilities. In Oregon and New York, lawmakers passed bills in 2017 to categorically ban incarcerating youth with adults in the coming year.)
Beyond Second Chances: Returning Citizens' Re-Entry Struggles and Successes In The District of Columbia Council for Court Excellence, December, 2016“The population of D.C. Code offenders is starkly homogeneous. Although slightly fewer than half of all D.C. residents are black, more than 96 percent of D.C. Code offenders incarcerated at BOP facilities are black.”
Exonerations in 2015 The National Registry of Exonerations, February, 2016“2015 set a record for exonerations in the United States - 149 that we know of so far, in 29 states, the District of Columbia, federal courts and Guam.”
The State of Sentencing 2014: Developments in Policy and Practice Sentencing Project, February, 2015“Sentencing: At least 16 states and the District of Columbia authorized legislation to address sentencing policy, including statutory penalties that limit lengths of confinement.”
Advancing a Federal Fair Chance Hiring Agenda: Background Check Reforms in Over 100 Cities, Counties, & States Pave the Way for Presidential Action National Employment Law Project, January, 2015“More than 100 jurisdictions, including 13 states, the District of Columbia, and 96 cities and counties, have adopted”
Applying a racial equity lens to fines and fees in the District of Columbia D.C. Policy Center, 2015“Fixed fines and fees can disproportionately harm families of color, both due to discriminatory practices in issuing fines and fees and in the systemic issues of income and wealth inequities that make it more difficult for these families to pay”
Survey of law enforcement access to sealed non-conviction records Collateral Consequences Resource Center, 2015“25 states, plus two territories, the District of Columbia and the Federal system, exempt law enforcement agencies generally from sealing or expungement laws, or in a few cases have no law authorizing sealing of non-conviction records.”
Measuring Juvenile Recidivism Data collection and reporting practices in juvenile corrections Pew's Public Safety Performance Project, May, 2014“...a recent survey of these agencies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia found that 1 in 4 does not regularly collect and report recidivism data, and fewer than half use measures that provide a comprehensive picture of youth reoffending.”
Racial Disparities in Arrests in the District of Columbia, 2009-2011 Washington Lawyers' Committee, July, 2013“While there are about as many African Americans aged 18 or older (47.6%) as there are adult whites (42%) living in this city, eight out of 10 adults arrested for a crime in Washington are African American.”
Common Ground: Lessons Learned from Five States that Reduced Juvenile Confinement by More than Half Justice Policy Institute, February, 2013“For all states and the District of Columbia, the number of youth in residential placement dropped steadily from its high of 107,493 in 1999 to 70,792 in 2010.”
The Costs and Benefits of Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment in the District of Columbia Urban Institute, April, 2012“On average, we find there is a 55 percent chance that a community-based substance abuse treatment (CBSAT) program serving 150 people would yield benefits that exceed its costs. The median benefit of CBSAT is $615 per person higher than its costs.”
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, 2011 Bureau of Justice Statistics, March, 2012“The total 2011 allocation for the JAG funding was approximately $368.3 million, of which $359.4 million went to states and $8.9 million to territories and the District of Columbia.”
The State of Sentencing 2010 Developments in Policy and Practice Sentencing Project, February, 2011“During 2010, state legislatures in at least 23 states and the District of Columbia adopted 35 [...] policies that may contribute to reductions in the prison population and eliminate barriers to reentry while promoting effective approaches to public safety”
State Recidivism Studies Sentencing Project, June, 2010“This database provides references for 99 recidivism studies conducted between 1995-2009 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.”
Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems, 2008 Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2009“Forty-eight States, the District of Columbia, and Guam reported the total number of persons in their criminal history files as 92,329,600, of which 85,836,300 were automated.”
Voting with a Criminal Record How Registration Forms Frustrate Democracy ACLU, October, 2008“This analysis finds that 33 states plus the District of Columbia currently use registration forms that do not sufficiently convey information about the voter eligibility of the 47 million Americans with criminal records.”
The Housing Landscape for Returning Prisoners in the District Urban Institute, March, 2007“This report examines the housing landscape of prisoner reentry in the District of Columbia through an analysis of neighborhoods that had high rates of returning prisoners and a survey of housing-related providers.”
A Tale of Two Jurisdictions: Youth Crime and Detention Rates in Maryland & the District of Columbia Building Blocks for Youth, October, 2001
Crime and Justice Atlas 1999 Update United States Department of Justice, 1999“Between 1992 and 1997, 35 states, along with the District of Columbia, experienced decreased rates of serious violent crime.”
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