Search Results
Your search returned 0 categories and 10 Links.
Enhanced Public Defense Improves Pretrial Outcomes and Reduces Racial Disparities Paul Heaton, May, 2021“Bail advocates did not reduce detention rates (at least on average) but did substantially reduce clients' likelihood of bail violation (-64%) and future arrest (- 26%).”
Roadblock to Economic Independence: How Driver's License Suspension Policies in Indiana Impede Self-Sufficiency, Burden State Government... Health and Human Rights Clinic, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, February, 2016“Beside the cost to individuals, driver’s license suspensions significantly impact employers, government resources, and public safety.”
State Criminal Justice Advocacy in a Conservative Environment Sentencing Project, February, 2015“This overview highlights successful advocacy strategies employed in conservative political environments in the states of Indiana, Missouri, and Texas.”
Re-Entry Policy Study Commission report Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council Re-Entry Policy Study Commission, August, 2013“Employment was the number one predictor of recidivism. The recidivism rate among the unemployed offenders was 42.4%; recidivism among the employed offenders was 26.2%.”
Are Black Kids Worse? Myths and Facts about Racial Differences in Behavior Equity Project at Indiana University, 2013“Such studies have provided little to no evidence that African American students in the same school or district are engaging in more seriously disruptive behavior that could warrant higher rates of exclusion or punishment.”
The Price They Pay: Protecting the Mother-Child Relationship Through the Use of Prison Nurseries and Residential Parenting Programs Anne E. Jbara, October, 2012“Based on the emotional and cognitive benefits for both mothers and babies, the prison nursery program is a worthwhile addition to the prison system in the United States.”
The Post-Release Employment and Recidivism Among Different Types of Offenders With A Different Level of Education: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study in Indiana Indiana Department of Corrections and Ball State University, April, 2012“Offenders who had a lower level of education not only had a higher recidivism rate, but also such uneducated/under-educated offenders were likely to be re-incarcerated earlier than those offenders who had a higher level of education.”
The Indiana Death Penalty Assessment Report An Analysis of Indiana's Death Penalty Laws, Procedures, and Practices American Bar Association, February, 2007“...white offenders received harsher sentences for murder than offenders belonging to racial or ethnic minority groups”
The brotherhood: Racism and intimidation among prison staff at Indiana Correctional Facility-Putnamville Kelsey Kauffman, July, 2001
Cold Storage: Super-Maximum Security Confinement in Indiana Human Rights Watch, October, 1997
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