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  • No Better Off An Update on Swanson Center for Youth Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana, November, 2010“Lack or programming in the facility and on overreliance on lockdown result in youth's being”
  • Models for Change: Building Momentum for Juvenile Justice Reform Justice Policy Institute, December, 2006“This brief tells the story of how the four Models for Change states -- Pennsylvania, Illinois, Louisiana, and Washington -- are already moving to reform and reshape their own state juvenile justice systems.”
  • Treated Like Trash: Juvenile Detention in New Orleans Before, During, and After Hurricane Katrina Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana, May, 2006“In their own words, a harrowing tale of escape, mismanagement and neglect unfolds, illustrating deep problems in New Orleans' system of juvenile justice and how we treat children in New Orleans.”
  • In Defense of Public Access to Justice: An Assessment of Trial-Level Indigent Defense Services in Louisiana 40 Years After Gideon National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, March, 2004
  • Options for Policymakers Considering a Justice Reinvestment Initiative in Louisiana Council of State Governments, January, 2004
  • The Children Left Behind: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency Proceedings in Louisiana American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center and Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana, June, 2001
  • Children in Confinement in Louisiana Human Rights Watch, October, 1995

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