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  • The Second Look Movement: A Review of the Nation's Sentence Review Laws Sentencing Project, May, 2024“In addition to California, four states - Illinois, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington - have enacted prosecutor-initiated resentencing laws that allow prosecutors to request the court to reconsider a sentence.”
  • Sex Offense Civil Commitment Minnesota's Failed Investment and the $100 Million Opportunity to Stop Sexual Violence Mitchell Hamline School of Law, April, 2024“As of September 1, 2023, only 21 of the 946 people committed to the Minnesota Sex Offender Program have been fully discharged from the program (~2%), while at least 94 have died during their commitment (~10%).”
  • Sex Differences in the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Institutional Misconduct among Adults in Prison Minnesota Department of Corrections, March, 2024“In a sample of more than 6,000 men in MN prisons, men who reported 4 or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) had a 30% increase in the hazard of any type of disciplinary conviction (DC) compared to those with 0 ACEs”
  • Minnesota Statewide Probation and Supervised Release Outcomes Report for 2019 Annual Report 2023 Minnesota Department of Corrections, December, 2023“70% of the individuals leaving supervised release in Minnesota in 2019 had no new felony convictions within three years.”
  • Vaccine Effectiveness Against SARS-CoV-2 Related Hospitalizations in People who had Experienced Homelessness or Incarceration - Findings from the Minnesota EHR Consortium Malini B. DeSilva, Gregory Knowlton, Nayanjot K. Rai, et al., December, 2023“Despite lower vaccination rates and potential for higher COVID-19 exposures in people experiencing homelessness or incarceration, COVID-19 vaccines reduced risk for SARS-CoV-2 related hospitalizations.”
  • Mortality Among Individuals Released from U.S. Prisons: Does Military History Matter? Minnesota Department of Corrections, November, 2023“When model specification was improved by accounting for the sociodemographic and legal histories of returnees, we found that veterans showed no greater or less risk of mortality compared to non-veterans.”
  • Understanding the Landscape of Fines, Restitution, and Fees for Criminal Convictions in Minnesota Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, August, 2023“In 2023, the [Minnesota] DOC reported that of 10,413 correctional fees imposed, it waived 338, for a waiver rate of 3.8%. However, of these, nearly 40% were waived due to the death of the person upon which the fees were originally imposed.”
  • (New) Race-Specific Risk Factors for All-Cause, Natural, and Unnatural Deaths Among Individuals Released from [Minnesota] State Prison Minnesota Department of Corrections, March, 2023“Both all-cause mortality and mortality due to specific causes of death were much higher among individuals released from [Minn.] state prison than among the general population.”
  • COVID-19 Vaccination of People Experiencing Homelessness and Incarceration in Minnesota Paywall :( Riley D. Shearer, Katherine Diaz Vickery, Peter Bodurtha, et al., June, 2022“By the end of 2021, 64% of the general population in Minnesota and 71% of people recently incarcerated in prison had completed the COVID-19 vaccine series, far exceeding the rate among people experiencing homelessness (34%) or jail incarceration (30%).”
  • Removing Barriers to Pretrial Appearance Lessons Learned from Tulsa County, Oklahoma, and Hennepin County, Minnesota Urban Institute, June, 2021“Most respondents agreed or strongly agreed that Court Ride [in Hennepin Cty, Minn.] had reduced barriers to court appearance (87.51%) and FTA rates for their clients (78.13%), and that it had reduced the number of their clients in custody (64.51%).”
  • The Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Prison Adjustment and Recidivism Among Military Veterans: Evidence from Minnesota Matthew W. Logan, Susan McNeeley, and Mark Morgan, January, 2021“Our results indicate that the effects of TBI, PTSD, and other indicators of criminogenic risk are relevant when examining the experiences of justice-involved military veterans--especially with respect to recidivism-based outcomes.”
  • report thumbnail The biggest priorities for prison and jail phone justice in 40 states Prison Policy Initiative, September, 2019“For example, the Minnesota Department of Corrections charges only $0.75 for a 15-minute in-state call from state prison, but the jails in the state charge, on average, $7.19 for the same call.”
  • Mass Probation: Toward a More Robust Theory of State Variation in Punishment University of Minnesota, July, 2017“As a consequence, imprisonment rates became less reflective of states' overall supervision rates.”
  • Supervision in the Community: Probation and Parole Michelle S. Phelps and Caitlin Curry, University of Minnesota, April, 2017“In the United States, the number of adults on probation and parole supervision increased from one million in 1980 to a peak of nearly 5.1 million in 2007, more than double the number of inmates in local, state, and federal jails and prisons.”
  • Collateral Costs Racial Disparities and Injustice in Minnesota's Marijuana Laws Minnesota 2020, April, 2014“...blacks in Minnesota were 6.4 times more likely than whites to be arrested for marijuana possession – over two times the national average.”
  • Children with Incarcerated Parents - Considering Children's Outcomes in the Context of Family Experiences University of Minnesota, June, 2013“Given the potential long-term consequences of parental incarceration for child and adult health, targeted, evidence-informed prevention and intervention efforts are sorely needed.”
  • Squeeze Play The history of canteen prices and inmate pay The Prison Mirror, May, 2012“Not since 1960s have Minnesota Inmates been paid so little compared to outside wages. This makes it hard to afford canteen, which ultimately limits the money that could be flowing into programs that ultimately make Minnesota safer.”
  • Youth in Minnesota Correctional Facilities and the Effects of Trauma Responses to the 2010 Minnesota Students Survey Minnesota Department of Public Safety, March, 2012“[O]ver half of youth in correctional facilities report at least one form of trauma on the MSS (53%) compared to just over one-quarter of a matched sample of mainstream students (28%).”
  • The Effects of Prison Visitation on Offender Recidivism Minnesota Department of Corrections, November, 2011“Using multiple measures of visitation and recidivism, the study found that visitation significantly decreased the risk of recidivism. The results also showed that visits from siblings, in-laws, fathers, and clergy were the most beneficial...”
  • Reducing Racial Disparity While Enhancing Public Safety: Key Findings and Recommendations Council on Crime and Justice, 2006“The racial disparity in Minnesota's justice system is exceptionally high compared to other states. From arrest to imprisonment, the disparity is over twice the national average.”
  • Searching for Justice: American Indian Perspectives on Disparities in Minnesota's Criminal Justice System Council on Crime and Justice, August, 2005“This report indicates that in one county, while American Indians make up only 11.5% of the population, they account for over 50% of the arrest rates.”
  • Minnesota Statewide Racial Profiling Study Council on Crime and Justice, September, 2003“Results show that law enforcement officers stopped and searched Black, Latino, and American Indian drivers at greater rates than White drivers, yet found contraband on Blacks, Latinos, and American Indians at lower rates than in searches of White drivers.”
  • On The Level: Disproportionate Minority Contact in Minnesota's Juvenile Justice System Minnesota Department of Public Safety, October, 2002“African American youth, who comprise just 8% of the youth population White but are 34% of juvenile delinquency arrests. On a smaller scale, American Indian youth are 2% of the youth population but account for 4% of juvenile delinquency arrests.”
  • Defining the Disparity -Taking A Closer Look: Do Drug Use Patterns Explain Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Drug Arrests in Minnesota Council on Crime and Justice, April, 2002“For African American males the reported drug use rate was 51% greater than White males, while the arrest rate was 400% higher nationally and 1000% higher in Minnesota.”
  • Criminal Disenfranchisement in Minnesota Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, January, 2002

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