Search Results
Your search returned 0 categories and 25 Links.
Indigent Criminal Defense and Commonwealth's Attorneys Virginia's Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, November, 2023“The number of attorneys serving as court-appointed defense attorneys in Virginia has declined since FY13, especially during the last few years. Participation has declined by more than half, from nearly 4,000 attorneys in FY13 to about 1,900 in FY23.”
The High Costs of Cheap Food: Eating in West Virginia Prisons West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, September, 2023“According to the Department of Agriculture, as of August 9, 2023, the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR) has failed to submit any documentation required by the Fresh Food Act since 2019.”
New West Virginia Capias Law - Effective June 9, 2023 West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, May, 2023“In March 2023, lawmakers passed legislation to address a growing reason why people are taken to West Virginia jails: capiases (also known as bench warrants). Senate Bill 633 provides a uniform standard for addressing capiases...”
Health Insurance and Mental Health Treatment Use Among Adults With Criminal Legal Involvement After Medicaid Expansion Paywall :( Benjamin A. Howell, Laura C. Hawks, Lilanthi Balasuriya, Virginia W. Chang, Emily A. Wang, & Tyler N. A. Winkelman, April, 2023“Medicaid expansion was associated with an 18 percentage-point increase in insurance coverage but no change in receipt of substance use treatment among individuals with substance use disorder.”
Reduction or Elimination of Costs and Fees Charged to Inmates in State Correctional Facilities Virginia Department of Corrections, October, 2022“The 9% commission [on commissary purchases] collected by VADOC, in addition to high prices and sales tax, collected to fund these services places an unfair cost on some of the Commonwealth's poorest families.”
Extended Injustice: Court Fines and Fees for Young People are Counterproductive, Particularly Harm Black Young People, Families, and Communi The Commonwealth Institute, July, 2022“While detailed Virginia data on the impact of juvenile court fines and fees by race is not available, analyses from other states shows that Black youth pay the highest amount in fines as a result of greater frequency and duration of probation conditions.”
Where people in prison come from: The geography of mass incarceration in Virginia Prison Policy Initiative and New Virginia Majority, July, 2022“More than half of everyone incarcerated from Richmond come from just 22 of the city's more than 140 neighborhoods.”
Silent Injustice: Solitary Confinement in Virginia ACLU Virginia, May, 2018“This report discusses the negative impacts of solitary confinement as practiced in Virginia.”
Driving on Empty: Payment Plan Reforms Don't Fix Virginia's Court Debt Crisis Legal Aid Justice Center, January, 2018(After Virginia implemented significant changes to rules governing payment plans for court debt, roughly one in six licensed drivers in Virginia still has their driver's license suspended, due at least in part to unpaid court debt.)
Defendant Remorse, Need for Affect, and Juror Sentencing Decisions Emily Corwin, Louisiana State Univeristy; Professor Robert Cramer, Sam Houston State University; Desiree Griffin, Southern Virginia Mental Health Institute; Professor Stanley Brodsky, University of Alabama, 2015“Incongruent verbal and nonverbal behavior, as well as mock juror willingness to approach emotional situations (i.e., high need for affect resulted in more lenient sentences for defendants.”
Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission: 2014 Annual Report Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, December, 2014“During FY2014, judges continued to agree with the sentencing guidelines recommendations in approximately 78% of the cases.”
Why is West Virginia the federal prison capital of the country? Prison Policy Initiative, June, 2014“West Virginia has more federal prison cells per capita than any other state.”
A Review of Mental Health Services in Local and Regional Jails Virginia Office of the State Inspector General, January, 2014“Jails lack the capacity to satisfy the current demand for mental health services.”
Virginia's Justice System: Expensive, Ineffective, and Unfair Justice Policy Institute, November, 2013“Despite some recent small progress in the areas of post-incarceration reentry, particularly felony disenfranchisement, the state continues to suffer under misguided policies and practices of the past.”
Democracy Imprisoned A Review of the Prevalence and Impact of Felony Disenfranchisement Laws in the United States The Sentencing Project et al., September, 2013“In three states, at least one out of every five African-American adults is disenfranchised: Florida (23%), Kentucky (22%), and Virginia (20%).”
The Virginia Death Penalty Assessment Report An Analysis of Virginia's Death Penalty Laws, Procedures, and Practices American Bar Association, August, 2013“Between 1989 and 2013, at least 18 people in Virginia whose convictions were based largely on eyewitness misidentifications have been exonerated of serious violent felonies following DNA testing or the discovery of new evidence.”
Defendants Whose Death Sentences Have Been Reduced Because of a Finding of "Mental Retardation" since Atkins v. Virginia Death Penalty Information Center, July, 2012“The authors found that states that significantly deviated from accepted clinical methods for determining intellectual disability, such as Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas, had the lowest success rates.”
The Governor's Preventing Crime in Virginia's Minority Communities Task Force Department of Criminal Justice Services, March, 2005
Protecting the Future: Moderating West Virginia's Budget Crisis Grassroots Leadership, February, 2005
Prisoner Reentry in Virginia Urban Institute, October, 2004
Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission Annual Report 2003 Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, March, 2004(An increasing number of people on probation or parole who have not committed new crimes are being sent to prison for breaking their release conditions)
Virginia: An Assessment of Access to Counsel and Quality of Representation in Delinquency Proceedings American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center and the Mid-Atlantic Juvenile Defender Center, October, 2002
Review of Virginia's System of Capital Punishment Joint Legislative Audit Review Commission, December, 2001
Analysis of Recidivism Rates of Education Program Participants in Virginia Kim A. Hull, et. al., June, 2000
Red Onion State Prison: Super-Maximum Security Confinement in Virginia Human Rights Watch, May, 1999
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