Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie Twitter Recap
More than 3,300 people have liked the graphic on Facebook and more than 1,100 people around the world have tweeted about the graphic on Twitter.
by Sadie Gold-Shapiro, May 5, 2014
In preparation for this year’s Pi Day (3/14), Prison Policy Initiative released the report “Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie,” which features a graphic that answers the question “How many people are locked up in the United States?” The response has been overwhelming; to date, more than 3,300 people have liked the graphic on Facebook and more than 1,100 people around the world have tweeted about it on Twitter.
The graphic is the first of its kind to compile data from multiple sources in order to give an accurate count of the current incarcerated population of the United States. As Sara Mayeux, creator of the Prison Law Blog, tweets:
great graphic from @PrisonPolicy breaks down in one place how many are behind bars in America, where, & why:
— sara mayeux (@saramayeux) March 13, 2014
Rebecca McCray, a criminal justice writer and former ACLU staff member tweets:
As someone who has spent hours sifting through Bureau of Justice Stats, this is so appreciated. Thanks @PrisonPolicy!
— Rebecca McCray (@rebeccakmccray) March 14, 2014
The graph resonated with many major organizations, some with a focus on mass incarceration and prison policy, and others with a more general focus on activism and civil rights for all.
Excellent infographic from @PrisonPolicy "pulls back the curtain to show EVERYONE behind US bars"
— Decarcerate PA (@DecarceratePA) March 13, 2014
ICYMI: Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie via @prisonpolicy
— SCSJ (@scsj) March 21, 2014
.@PrisonPolicy's new pie graph aggregates America's myriad systems of confinement
— Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) April 1, 2014
How many people are locked up in the United States?" via @PourMeCoffee
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) March 13, 2014
US locks up more people per capita than any other nation. @PrisonPolicy graph breaks down where people incarcerated
— VOCAL-NY (@VOCALNewYork) March 13, 2014
Amazing new chart from @PrisonPolicy institute shows how many people are locked up in the US:
— Ella Baker Center (@ellabakercenter) March 13, 2014
Many individuals involved in justice work also retweeted the report to a large audience of followers. Fellow Smith College alumna, Piper Kerman, author of Orange is the New Black retweeted a link that connected PPI’s report to her own work regarding mass incarceration in the United States.
Visualization of U.S. mass incarceration: Reminds me of @Piper justice reform initatives
— Michelle Woodruff (@MichellWoodruff) March 20, 2014
Niaz Kasravi, the director of NAACP’s Criminal Justice Program tweets:
#MassIncarceration by the numbers. Eye opening & disturbing. Something must change.
— Niaz Kasravi (@NiazKasravi) March 14, 2014
After the graphic’s initial success in social media networks, the information in the report was analyzed and reported on by a wide range of news sources including The Economist, The Washington Post, The Week, and the American Legislator. These articles examine in depth the implications of the research and, as The Economist writes:
[T]he report, “underscores how naive it is to think of prisons as separate from the rest of society”, and how crucial it is to provide services inside that will help people once they get out—because with very few exceptions, inmates will eventually come out, and it is in society’s interest to ensure they need not be locked up again.
But it also underscores something we’ve written about before: America locks up too many people for too many things.
Be sure to check out the original report, if you haven’t already!