HELP US END MASS INCARCERATION The Prison Policy Initiative uses research, advocacy, and organizing to dismantle mass incarceration. We’ve been in this movement for 23 years, thanks to individual donors like you.

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Thank you,
Peter Wagner, Executive Director
People in jail unable to meet bail
(prior to incarceration)
Non-incarcerated people
Men Women Men Women
All $15,598 $11,071   $39,600 $22,704
Black $11,275 $9,083  $31,284 $23,760
Hispanic $17,449 $12,178  $27,720 $14,520
White $18,283 $12,954  $43,560 $26,136

Median annual pre-incarceration incomes for people in local jails unable to post a bail bond, ages 23-39, in 2015 dollars, by race/ethnicity and gender. The incomes in red fall below the Census Bureau poverty threshold. The median bail bond amount nationally is almost a full year’s income for the typical person unable to post a bail bond.

Data Source: For sources see the full report. (Graph: Bernadette Rabuy and Daniel Kopf, 2016)

This graph originally appeared in Detaining the Poor: How money bail perpetuates an endless cycle of poverty and jail time.

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