Correctional Control 2018: Incarceration and supervision by state

State State Prisons Federal Prisons Local Jails Youth Facilities Involuntary Commitment Indian Country Jails Parole Probation Total Correctional Control State Prison Rate Federal Prison Rate Local Jails Rate Youth Confinement Rate Involuntary Commitment Rate Indian Country Jails Rate Parole Rate Probation Rate Total Rate
Alabama 27,677 4,274 12,620 849 171 0 8,195 51,346 105,132 568 88 261 17 4 0 169 1,057 2,164
Alaska 4,314 511 95 207 10 3 1,734 6,516 13,390 583 69 13 28 1 0 234 881 1,809
Arizona 41,964 4,599 13,961 717 170 740 7,178 76,141 145,470 598 66 208 10 3 11 105 1,111 2,112
Arkansas 18,078 2,299 5,345 555 187 0 22,772 30,389 79,625 602 77 180 19 6 0 764 1,019 2,667
California 131,398 16,444 82,440 6,726 3,570 0 89,586 235,918 566,082 332 42 213 17 9 0 229 602 1,444
Colorado 19,792 1,951 12,033 999 314 62 9,749 79,455 124,355 353 35 225 18 6 1 178 1,449 2,265
Connecticut 13,830 1,510 0 141 170 0 3,234 40,653 59,538 385 42 0 4 5 0 90 1,132 1,658
Delaware 6,374 465 0 162 27 0 370 15,150 22,548 663 48 0 17 3 0 39 1,597 2,367
District of Columbia N/A 6,039 1,969 105 184 0 3,852 5,745 17,894 N/A 870 298 15 28 0 568 847 2,626
Florida 98,504 19,301 52,898 2,853 2,112 0 4,370 210,658 390,696 456 142 195 27 1 20 300 758 1,899
Georgia 53,834 7,943 38,774 1,110 403 0 21,426 404,421 527,911 516 76 384 11 4 0 209 3,943 5,143
Hawaii 5,487 1,208 0 51 133 0 1,308 20,189 28,376 384 85 0 4 9 0 92 1,414 1,988
Idaho 8,410 720 3,065 393 15 65 4,837 31,893 49,398 490 42 188 24 1 4 291 1,916 2,956
Illinois 41,427 9,012 22,536 1,524 1,226 0 28,167 112,174 216,066 352 133 177 17 6 29 99 870 1,683
Indiana 26,024 3,252 16,036 1,563 149 0 8,026 106,578 161,628 390 49 243 24 2 0 121 1,609 2,438
Iowa 8,999 3,716 4,326 675 138 0 5,792 28,788 52,434 324 70 175 12 10 0 219 873 1,683
Kansas 9,982 2,253 7,393 564 352 0 4,623 16,389 41,556 343 77 255 19 12 0 159 564 1,429
Kentucky 23,870 3,461 13,062 510 52 0 14,724 47,686 103,365 536 78 296 12 1 0 332 1,077 2,332
Louisiana 33,739 3,135 11,849 831 0 0 29,582 39,534 118,670 720 67 255 18 0 0 632 845 2,537
Maine 2,414 627 1,794 81 53 0 20 6,708 11,697 181 47 135 6 4 0 2 505 880
Maryland 18,078 5,783 11,069 612 715 0 9,863 71,374 117,494 299 96 185 10 12 0 164 1,187 1,953
Massachusetts 9,207 2,114 9,949 426 304 0 1,772 60,805 84,577 134 31 147 6 5 0 26 893 1,242
Michigan 39,666 5,644 16,959 1,554 209 12 17,141 172,400 253,585 398 57 171 16 2 0 173 1,737 2,554
Minnesota 10,693 2,206 5,933 852 853 39 6,772 95,310 122,658 651 69 251 8 1 1 277 958 2,216
Mississippi 19,431 2,067 7,503 243 30 30 8,274 28,604 66,182 192 40 109 15 16 1 123 1,732 2,228
Missouri 32,225 6,735 11,350 948 649 0 17,029 43,102 112,038 527 110 187 16 11 0 280 709 1,840
Montana 3,700 1,394 1,803 171 59 300 1,028 8,987 17,442 286 118 139 22 4 0 185 921 1,675
Nebraska 5,137 1,626 3,277 465 202 0 1,041 13,274 25,022 268 85 174 24 11 0 55 698 1,315
Nevada 13,281 1,812 7,189 627 58 11 5,035 13,505 41,518 443 60 254 22 2 0 173 464 1,418
New Hampshire 2,677 441 2,131 69 1 0 2,332 3,876 11,527 199 33 161 5 0 0 175 291 864
New Jersey 19,453 3,182 14,887 636 864 0 14,480 138,351 191,853 216 35 167 7 10 0 161 1,543 2,139
New Mexico 7,053 2,067 8,278 363 37 191 2,661 12,512 33,162 338 99 397 17 2 9 128 600 1,590
New York 50,402 11,334 27,445 1,386 1,109 0 42,522 96,369 230,567 254 57 139 7 6 0 214 486 1,163
North Carolina 36,454 10,777 19,412 468 207 0 12,180 81,153 160,651 355 105 195 5 2 0 121 804 1,587
North Dakota 1,723 1,045 1,406 144 51 198 770 6,240 11,577 228 138 190 19 7 26 102 826 1,536
Ohio 51,478 5,528 19,112 2,163 472 0 18,792 232,985 330,530 442 47 165 19 4 0 162 2,006 2,845
Oklahoma 26,991 2,717 12,520 552 170 13 1,814 33,028 77,805 687 69 323 14 4 0 46 844 1,987
Oregon 14,733 1,742 5,985 1,113 424 36 23,652 36,074 83,759 356 42 151 27 11 1 584 890 2,062
Pennsylvania 48,438 7,479 36,870 2,826 287 0 106,325 177,618 379,843 378 58 288 22 2 0 831 1,389 2,968
Rhode Island 2,871 534 0 198 0 0 440 22,418 26,461 271 50 0 19 0 0 42 2,121 2,503
South Carolina 20,747 4,575 11,203 693 417 0 4,161 32,114 73,910 413 91 232 14 9 0 84 652 1,495
South Dakota 3,970 1,231 1,657 228 6 174 2,572 6,505 16,343 469 92 266 14 11 0 21 1,029 1,902
Tennessee 30,054 8,083 19,223 660 107 0 11,574 61,612 131,313 447 120 294 10 2 0 175 931 1,979
Texas 162,523 27,081 55,039 4,299 1,376 0 106,516 368,326 725,160 574 96 204 16 5 0 385 1,331 2,611
Utah 6,488 1,277 5,684 453 97 0 3,548 12,034 29,581 209 41 193 15 3 0 118 399 978
Vermont 1,763 325 0 27 0 0 895 4,826 7,836 283 52 0 4 0 0 143 774 1,256
Virginia 37,831 6,434 22,710 1,227 795 0 1,579 59,853 130,429 447 76 273 15 10 0 19 713 1,553
Washington 19,656 3,043 12,144 921 626 381 10,837 87,895 135,503 423 136 331 30 4 6 138 784 1,852
West Virginia 7,092 1,835 3,263 567 132 0 3,398 6,419 22,706 391 101 177 31 7 0 185 350 1,242
Wisconsin 23,952 2,183 13,202 762 576 29 19,526 43,781 104,011 413 38 230 13 10 1 339 759 1,803
Wyoming 2,451 790 1,931 177 26 33 806 4,592 10,806 265 41 172 13 9 5 150 1,218 1,873
50 States and D.C. total 1,306,335 225,801 669,330 46,446 20,295 2,540 728,882 3,602,274 6,601,903 401 69 210 14 6 1 226 1,118 2,045

Sources and methodology

State Prisons
Number of people in state prison in that state on December 31, 2017. See the full methodology for more detail.
Federal Prisons
Number of people in federal prison from that state on September 27, 2018. For how we apportioned the federal prison population to the state of origin, see the full methodology.
Local Jails
Average daily population of local jails in that state held under local jurisdiction in 2014. To avoid double counting, people held under contract with other agencies are not included. See the full methodology for more detail.
Youth Facilities
Number of people in held in youth residential placement facilities due to justice system involvement in that state on October 28, 2015. Youth under 18 held in adult facilities are not included here and are counted in the corresponding adult prison and jail column. See the full methodology for more detail.
Involuntary Commitment
This includes people held in state psychiatric hospitals for evaluation or treatment for incompetency to stand trial or who were found not guilty by reason of insanity in each of 37 reporting states in 2014. It also includes people in held in civil commitment facilities in that state in 2017. See the full methodology for more detail.
Indian Country Jails
Number of people in held in Indian Country jails within that state on June 30, 2016. See the full methodology for more detail.
Number of people on parole in that state on December 31, 2016. See the full methodology for more detail.
Number of people on probation in that state on December 31, 2016. See the full methodology for more detail.
Total Correctional Control
This is the sum of the previous 8 columns.
Federal Prison Rate
This is the number of people in federal prison from that state per 100,000 people in that state.
State Prison Rate
This is the number of people in state prison in that state per 100,000 people in that state.
Local Jails Rate
This is the number of people in local jails in that state - not including people held under contract with other authorities - per 100,000 people in that state.
Youth Confinement Rate
This is the number of people under 21 in residential placement facilities due to justice system involvement in that state per 100,000 people in that state. Note that that is different than other statistics calculated per 100,000 youth.
Involuntary Commitment Rate
This is the number of people in state psychiatric hospitals or civil commitment facilities in that state per 100,000 people in that state.
Indian Country Jails Rate
This is the number of people in Indian Country jails within that state per 100,000 people in that state.
Parole Rate
This is the number of people on parole in state per 100,000 people in that state. This figure may be different than other statistics based on the number per 100,000 adults.
Probation Rate
This is the number of people on probation in state per 100,000 people in that state. This figure may be different than other statistics based on the number per 100,000 adults.
Total Rate
This is the sum of the previous eight columns. There may be slight discrepancies due to rounding.

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