HELP US END MASS INCARCERATION The Prison Policy Initiative uses research, advocacy, and organizing to dismantle mass incarceration. We’ve been in this movement for 23 years, thanks to individual donors like you.

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Thank you,
Peter Wagner, Executive Director

Welcome Bernadette Rabuy!

Our newest staffer comes to us from the University of California, Berkeley, and has previously worked with National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Voice of the Ex-Offender, and Californians United for Responsible Budget.

by Peter Wagner, May 30, 2014

Bernadette RabuyPlease welcome our new Policy & Communications Associate, Bernadette Rabuy.

Bernadette comes to us from the University of California, Berkeley, and has previously worked with National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Voice of the Ex-Offender, and Californians United for a Responsible Budget.

Bernadette starts August 1st.

One response:

  1. Rallie Florencio Cruz says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! I know it is your dream job. Wishing you success in every endeavor you may want to take. I love you Berna..your tito Rallie and Tita Morna.

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