This table, originally created for the briefing Why did prison and jail populations grow in 2022 - and what comes next?, provides the jurisdictional population counts published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics for the years 2019-2022, and the most recent counts we could find provided by individual state and federal online sources. We excluded population counts that did not appear to be comparable to BJS jurisdictional definitions.
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 Population source and notes | Source URL | |
Alabama | 28,304 | 25,328 | 25,032 | 26,421 | 27,001 | ADOC Monthly Statistical Report for Sept. 2023 | 2023.pdf |
Alaska | 4,475 | 4,578 | 4,639 | 4,778 | 4,480 | Summary Statistics for Nov. 2023 showing population by facility | |
Arizona | 42,441 | 37,794 | 33,914 | 33,865 | 34,502 | Dec. 14, 2023 Count Sheet (Grand total) | Count/2023/12142023 daily count.pdf |
Arkansas | 17,759 | 16,094 | 17,022 | 17,625 | 18,375 | DOC Board Report for Sept. 2023 (jurisdictional population data as of Aug. 31, 2023) | |
Federal BOP | 175,116 | 152,156 | 157,314 | 159,309 | 157,740 | BOP Population Statistics (jurisdictional population data as of Dec. 7, 2023) | |
California | 122,687 | 100,396 | 101,441 | 97,608 | 96,225 | Monthly TPOP1 Report for Nov. 2023 (Total In-Custody/CRPP Supervision plus Temporary Release to Court and Hospital, consistent with BJS jurisdictional population definition; data as of Nov. 30, 2023) | |
Colorado | 19,785 | 16,259 | 15,865 | 17,168 | 17,246 | “Inmate Total” from “General Statistics” dashboard (accessed Dec. 12, 2023) | |
Connecticut | 12,823 | 9,559 | 9,889 | 10,506 | 10,445 | CT DOC Monthly Statistics Dec. 1, 2023 (data as of Nov. 2023) | |
Delaware | 5,692 | 4,710 | 4,810 | 4,954 | 4613 | DE DOC Daily Population Summary including “inmates” and “offenders on pre-trial detention” (consistent with BJS jurisdictional population definition for “unified” prison and jail systems) for Dec. 14, 2023 (accessed Dec. 15, 2023). | |
Florida | 96,009 | 81,027 | 80,417 | 84,678 | 85,928 | FDC Monthly Statistical Report Nov. 2023 (data from Nov. 30, 2023) | |
Georgia | 54,816 | 47,141 | 47,010 | 48,439 | 50,616 | GA DOC Monthly Statistical Report, “Profile of All Inmates During 2023 11” (data as of Dec. 1, 2023) | |
Hawaii | 5,279 | 4,171 | 4,102 | 4,149 | 3,967 | HI DPS Corrections Division Weekly Population Report from Dec. 11, 2023 showing “assigned count” total (including people held out-of-state, consistent with BJS jurisdictional population defnition) | |
Idaho | 9,437 | 8,356 | 8,907 | 9,110 | 9,332 | ID DOC Incarcerated Population Report for Fiscal Year 2023 (data as of June 30, 2023), “Facility type - 2023” table (includes “termer,” “rider,” and “parole violator” populations) | |
Illinois | 38,259 | 29,729 | 28,980 | 29,634 | 29,930 | IL DOC Prison Population Data Set for June 30, 2023 | |
Indiana | 27,180 | 26,051 | 24,972 | 25,286 | 25,072 | Calculated from IN DOC Total Population Summary Report for Nov. 2023, Table 3, including DOC Adult, Jail DOC Contract, and Jail Felony F6 Diversions (data as of Nov. 1, 2023) | |
Iowa | 9,282 | 8,307 | 8,562 | 8,473 | 8,404 | IA DOC Daily Statistics as of Dec. 15 2023 showing Institutional current count (does not include residential community corrections) | |
Kansas | 10,177 | 8,779 | 8,521 | 8,709 | 9,005 | KS DOC Current populaton totals as of Dec. 13, 2023 | |
Kentucky | 23,082 | 18,552 | 18,560 | 19,744 | 19,305 | KY DOC Statewide Population Report for Dec. 6, 2023 | Population/2023/12/12-06-23.pdf |
Louisiana | 31,609 | 26,964 | 26,074 | 27,296 | 28,307 | LA DOC Demographic Dashboard showing data as of Oct. 30, 2023 (accessed Dec. 12, 2023) | |
Maine | 2,185 | 1,714 | 1,577 | 1,675 | 1,749 | ME DOC Nov. 2023 Monthly Adult Data Reporting showing Average Daily Population for Year to Date 2023 | 2023 Monthly Adult Data Report.pdf |
Maryland | 18,595 | 15,623 | 15,134 | 15,637 | None located | ||
Massachusetts | 8,205 | 6,762 | 6,148 | 6,001 | 6,144 | MA DOC Weekly Inmate Count as of Dec. 4, 2023 showing total jurisdictional population | |
Michigan | 38,053 | 33,617 | 32,186 | 32,374 | 33,461 | MI DOC Nov. 2023 Prison Population Projection Report to the Legislature, Table 1, showing projected population for Dec. 2023. (We accepted this projection as an estimated count given the Nov. 2023 publication date.) | |
Minnesota | 9,982 | 8,148 | 8,003 | 8,636 | 8,274 | MN DOC Adult Prison Population Summary for July 1, 2023 | Prison Population Summary 7-1-2023_tcm1089-589994.pdf |
Mississippi | 19,417 | 17,577 | 17,332 | 19,802 | 21,311 | MS DOC Monthly Fact Sheet for Nov. 2023 showing “Inmate total” (data as of Nov. 2, 2023) | Fact Sheet_November.pdf |
Missouri | 26,044 | 23,062 | 23,422 | 23,911 | None located | ||
Montana | 4,723 | 3,927 | 4,313 | 4,691 | 4,702 | Calculated from MT DOC Daily Population Report Dashboard and Jail Hold Population Dashboard, including “Secure” and “Alt-Secure” populations as of Dec. 10, 2023 and jail holds for “Pending Transport to Assessment Center,” “Pending Transport to Prerelease/Treatment Center,” and “Pending Transport to Prison” populations as of Dec. 12, 2023. (This assumes all those pending transport from jail have been sentenced and are part of the prison system’s jurisdiction.) | |
Nebraska | 5,682 | 5,306 | 5,600 | 5,649 | 5,803 | NDCS Quarterly Population Summary showing Average Daily Population for July-Sept. 2023 | |
Nevada | 12,840 | 11,249 | 10,202 | 10,304 | 10,535 | NV DOC Monthly Statistical Abstracts Factsheet for Nov. 2023 showing Total count (not just “in house”) | |
New Hampshire | 2,691 | 2,352 | 2,127 | 2,086 | 2,100 | NH Bar Association article, “NHBA Prison Series: Maintaining Order and Dispensing Punishment,” by Tom Jarvis and Scott Merrill, which reports, “In 2023, there were 2,100 people being held in the three NH state prisons.” | |
New Jersey | 18,613 | 12,830 | 12,506 | 12,657 | None located | ||
New Mexico | 6,723 | 5,500 | 5,154 | 4,970 | None located | ||
New York | 43,500 | 34,128 | 30,338 | 31,148 | 32,613 | NY DOCCS Incarcerated Profile Report - Dec. 2023, Table 1 showing “undercustody” population (data as of Dec. 1, 2023) | |
North Carolina | 34,079 | 29,461 | 28,995 | 29,627 | 31,191 | NC DAC Offender Population (showing “prison offenders”) as of Dec. 14, 2023 on the main Publications Data and Research webpage | |
North Dakota | 1,794 | 1,401 | 1,689 | 1,817 | 1,834 | ND DCR Dashboard showing Dec. 1, 2023 population data (accessed Dec. 15, 2023) | |
Ohio | 50,338 | 45,036 | 45,029 | 45,313 | 44,531 | ODRC Monthly Population Count by Institution, Aug. 2023 (data as of August 1, 2023) | |
Oklahoma | 25,033 | 22,462 | 22,391 | 22,941 | None located | ||
Oregon | 14,961 | 12,753 | 13,198 | 12,518 | 12,143 | OR DOC Prison Population Trends as of Nov. 2023 | |
Pennsylvania | 45,702 | 39,357 | 37,194 | 37,910 | 38,934 | PA DOC Monthly Population Report showing total jurisdiction population as of Nov. 30, 2023 | Us/Statistics/Documents/current monthly population.pdf |
Rhode Island | 2,740 | 2,227 | 2,238 | 2,393 | 2,350 | RI DOC statistics as cited in the Providence Journal article, “Forecast: RI prison population will grow almost 30% by 2034. What’s driving the increase?” by Patrick Anderson (Dec. 5, 2023), which reports “…the Rhode Island prison population … was 2,350 last week, according to Department of Corrections statistics.” | |
South Carolina | 18,608 | 16,157 | 15,759 | 16,318 | 16,539 | SC DOC “Average Daily Inmate Population - Fiscal Years 1970-2023” showing jurisdictional population (data as of June 30, 2023) | |
South Dakota | 3,801 | 3,250 | 3,353 | 3,444 | 3,727 | SD DOC Adult Corrections Population for Nov. 30, 2023, showing state total | |
Tennessee | 26,349 | 22,685 | 21,995 | 23,735 | 25,011 | TN DOC “Incarcerated Felon Populations” (Oct. 2023) page 4, showing average “Total Felon Population” (including TDOC Facilities, TDOC Backup, and Locally Sentenced populations) for Fiscal Year 2023-24 as of Oct. 2023 | |
Texas | 158,429 | 135,906 | 133,772 | 139,631 | No counts located that are compatible with BJS jurisdictional population definition | ||
Utah | 6,671 | 5,448 | 5,911 | 6,009 | 6,045 | UDC Incarcerated Population Data (as of Oct. 9, 2023) from the dashboard accessed Dec. 15, 2023 | |
Vermont | 1,608 | 1,284 | 1,287 | 1,360 | 1,342 | VT DOC “Jail Population” as of Dec. 15, 2023 (does not include “Jail Detainees” which appear to be people held for federal and other state authorities). Vermont has a “unified” prison and jail system so all counts are included in the “prison” population to be consistent with BJS population definitions for “unified” systems. | |
Virginia | 36,091 | 31,838 | 30,357 | 27,162 | No counts located that are compatible with BJS jurisdictional population definition | ||
Washington | 19,261 | 15,724 | 13,674 | 13,772 | 13,554 | WA DOC “About” page, “Prison Population by Age” table showing data as of October 11, 2023 | |
West Virginia | 6,800 | 6,044 | 5,847 | 5,873 | None located | ||
Wisconsin | 23,956 | 20,298 | 20,202 | 20,873 | 21,923 | WI DOC Weekly Population Report showing “total persons in our care” (Adult Institutions) as of Dec. 8, 2023 | |
Wyoming | 2,479 | 2,087 | 2,123 | 2,154 | 2,242 | WY DOC Quarterly Population Demographics Reports for Q3 2023, showing “Inmate Count” as of end of Quarter 3 (Sept. 30, 2023) | |
Total states and federal prisons | 1,430,165 | 1,221,164 | 1,205,087 | 1,230,143 | None located | ||
Sources for all states and the federal BOP, 2019-2022 | Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prisoners in 2020, Table 2 | Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prisoners in 2021, Table 2 | Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prisoners in 2022, Table 2 | Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prisoners in 2022, Table 2 |
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