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Peter Wagner, Executive Director
Four pie charts showing that single call programs account for 33% of the calls made, 44% of the money spent on calls, and only 7% of commissions in Genesee County, Michigan.

Data Source: The Genesee MI Securus Commission Statement April 2013. The total revenue for PayNow™ and Text2Connect™ were not provided to the county by Securus, but simple multiplication of the call prices ($14.99 and $9.99) fills in the gap on those figures. For Securus’ income for each call type, we simply subtracted the known commissions from the now-known total revenue for each call type. (Graph: Peter Wagner, 2015)

This graph originally appeared in Comments re: Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking ¶¶ 98-102, single call programs.

The first two pie charts are somewhat similar, but show that families are paying disproportionately more for the PayNow™ and Text2Connect™ calls compared to regular calls. The third pie chart shows that Securus’ income doesn’t match the call volume, because the PayNow™ and Text2Connect™ calls are the most profitable to the company. The fourth pie chart makes clear that PayNow™ and Text2Connect™ is not just bad for families, it is bad for the facilities too.

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