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Peter Wagner, Executive Director

Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Waterbury neighborhood

Waterbury neighborhoods Number of people in state prison from each Waterbury neighborhood, 2020 Census population, 2020 Total population, 2020 Imprisonment rate per 100,000
Alexander Ave 12 3,156 3,168 379
Berkeley Heights 32 1,498 1,530 2,092
Boulevard 14 2,715 2,729 513
Bouley Manor 9 1,600 1,609 559
Brooklyn 51 3,778 3,829 1,332
Brooklyn 7 711 718 975
Brookside Industrial Park 7 1,439 1,446 484
Browns Meadows 0 124 124 0
Bucks Hill 35 7,343 7,378 474
Bunker Hill 47 9,357 9,404 500
C.N.V.R. Higher Edu. Center 4 527 531 753
Captain Neville Industrial Park 12 2,359 2,371 506
Central Business District 34 1,907 1,941 1,752
Country Club 2 1,348 1,350 148
Crownbrook 59 2,572 2,631 2,242
Deerfield and Sunset 4 1,704 1,708 234
East End 44 4,414 4,458 987
East Farms 8 1,235 1,243 644
East Mountain 7 3,129 3,136 223
Fairlawn 13 3,053 3,066 424
Fairmount 7 1,673 1,680 417
Hill Street 10 1,578 1,588 630
Hillside 74 4,150 4,224 1,752
Hop Brook 3 557 560 536
Hopeville 35 5,621 5,656 619
Lakewood 25 1,742 1,767 1,415
Maplewood Manor 2 1,066 1,068 187
Mill Plain 14 2,766 2,780 504
New Pac 68 3,903 3,971 1,712
Newton Heights 5 1,224 1,229 407
North End 26 2,249 2,275 1,143
Overlook 22 3,045 3,067 717
Pierpoint Road 6 1,707 1,713 350
Platts Mills 2 382 384 521
Reidville 2 505 507 394
Reidville Ind Park 0 46 46 0
Scott Road 10 2,361 2,371 422
South End 26 1,204 1,230 2,114
Town Plot 35 7,493 7,528 465
Walnut Orange Walsh (W.O.W.) 94 4,030 4,124 2,279
Washington Hill 83 5,434 5,517 1,504
Waterville 14 1,894 1,908 734
West End 29 3,474 3,503 828
West Side Manor 6 1,396 1,402 428
Willow Plaza 74 3,702 3,776 1,960
Wolcott Road 7 1,394 1,401 500
Woodhaven 4 1,027 1,031 388
Woodtick Road 8 2,074 2,082 384

Sources and methodology

Waterbury neighborhoods
This is the Waterbury neighborhood as drawn by the city in 2015.
Number of people in state prison from each Waterbury neighborhood, 2020
This is the number of people from each Waterbury neighborhood in state prison as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the Waterbury neighborhood as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the Waterbury neighborhood as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between each Waterbury neighborhood of different population sizes.

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