Punishment Beyond Prisons 2023: Incarceration and Supervision by State, Appendix

  Count   Rate
States State Prisons Federal Prisons Local Jails Indian Country Jails Youth Facilities Involuntary Commitment Probation Parole Total Under Correctional Control   State Prisons Federal Prisons Local Jails Indian Country Jails Youth Facilities Involuntary Commitment Probation Parole Total Rate Total State Population
Alabama 25,032 3,361 13,760 0 798 171 41,942 7,518 92,582 496 67 272 0 16 3 831 149 1,834 5,049,846
Alaska 4,639 420 80 1 255 10 2,505 832 8,742 632 57 11 0 35 1 341 113 1,190 734,182
Arizona 33,914 3,361 12,980 701 606 217 68,027 6,755 126,561 467 46 179 10 8 3 936 93 1,742 7,264,877
Arkansas 17,022 2,521 6,870 0 465 146 40,859 22,923 90,806 562 83 227 0 15 5 1349 757 2,998 3,028,122
California 101,441 11,764 78,220 0 4,131 3,571 153,910 104,937 457,973 259 30 200 0 11 9 393 268 1,170 39,142,991
Colorado 15,865 1,681 12,710 49 753 314 70,819 10,139 112,330 273 29 219 1 13 5 1219 174 1,933 5,811,297
Connecticut 9,889 840 0 0 96 170 29,065 2,711 42,771 273 23 0 0 3 5 802 75 1,181 3,623,355
Delaware 4,810 420 0 0 129 27 9,321 331 15,038 479 42 0 0 13 3 928 33 1,498 1,004,807
District of Columbia N/A 3,361 1,330 0 117 184 3,417 2,251 10,660 N/A 503 199 0 17 28 511 337 1,595 668,791
Florida 80,417 12,814 60,210 0 2,001 2,054 178,541 3,819 339,856 368 59 276 0 9 9 818 17 1,556 21,828,069
Georgia 47,010 6,512 39,740 0 1,119 403 339,659 16,414 450,857 436 60 368 0 10 4 3148 152 4,178 10,788,029
Hawaii 4,102 840 0 0 63 133 17,356 1,343 23,837 283 58 0 0 4 9 1199 93 1,646 1,447,154
Idaho 8,907 840 4,380 50 342 15 26,194 6,659 47,387 468 44 230 3 18 1 1375 350 2,489 1,904,314
Illinois 28,475 6,092 16,700 0 834 1,185 85,168 21,164 159,618 224 48 132 0 7 9 671 167 1,258 12,686,469
Indiana 24,716 3,361 19,340 0 1,155 149 96,073 5,519 150,313 363 49 284 0 17 2 1410 81 2,206 6,813,532
Iowa 8,562 3,571 4,100 0 441 156 24,600 6,167 47,597 268 112 128 0 14 5 769 193 1,489 3,197,689
Kansas 8,521 1,471 6,600 0 360 350 13,694 4,866 35,861 290 50 225 0 12 12 466 166 1,221 2,937,922
Kentucky 18,560 3,151 14,500 0 588 52 53,686 12,767 103,304 412 70 322 0 13 1 1191 283 2,292 4,506,589
Louisiana 26,074 2,521 20,690 0 693 0 25,727 18,362 94,067 564 54 447 0 15 0 556 397 2,033 4,627,098
Maine 1,577 420 1,430 0 60 53 5,186 16 8,743 115 31 104 0 4 4 377 1 636 1,377,238
Maryland 15,134 3,991 11,610 0 495 715 54,010 8,467 94,422 245 65 188 0 8 12 875 137 1,530 6,174,610
Massachusetts 6,148 1,260 8,310 0 288 263 37,801 1,388 55,458 88 18 119 0 4 4 541 20 794 6,989,690
Michigan 32,186 4,201 15,510 12 1,353 209 111,385 10,920 175,776 321 42 155 0 13 2 1110 109 1,752 10,037,504
Minnesota 8,003 1,891 5,910 53 948 870 82,302 6,714 106,690 140 33 103 1 17 15 1441 118 1,868 5,711,471
Mississippi 17,332 1,891 7,540 52 198 30 28,802 10,556 66,401 588 64 256 2 7 1 976 358 2,252 2,949,586
Missouri 23,422 6,512 9,810 0 588 673 36,758 17,545 95,308 380 106 159 0 10 11 596 284 1,546 6,169,823
Montana 4,313 1,260 1,670 221 138 59 9,262 1,382 18,305 390 114 151 20 12 5 837 125 1,654 1,106,227
Nebraska 5,600 1,260 3,560 14 309 194 11,497 899 23,334 285 64 181 1 16 10 586 46 1,189 1,963,554
Nevada 10,202 1,260 7,930 17 546 58 8,731 4,681 33,425 324 40 252 1 17 2 277 149 1,062 3,146,402
New Hampshire 2,127 420 1,630 0 24 1 3,641 2,049 9,892 153 30 117 0 2 0 262 148 712 1,387,505
New Jersey 12,506 2,311 7,860 0 513 803 119,707 14,812 158,512 135 25 85 0 6 9 1292 160 1,712 9,267,961
New Mexico 5,154 1,681 6,070 128 270 37 10,401 2,401 26,142 243 79 287 6 13 2 491 113 1,234 2,116,677
New York 30,338 8,403 17,930 0 837 1,161 67,835 38,290 164,793 153 42 90 0 4 6 342 193 830 19,857,492
North Carolina 28,995 8,823 18,370 0 744 207 59,295 9,005 125,439 274 84 174 0 7 2 561 85 1,187 10,565,885
North Dakota 1,689 840 1,250 149 78 28 5,879 622 10,535 217 108 161 19 10 4 756 80 1,355 777,934
Ohio 45,029 4,622 19,090 0 1,746 472 190,835 21,822 283,616 383 39 162 0 15 4 1622 185 2,410 11,764,342
Oklahoma 22,391 2,311 9,210 12 345 170 16,866 1,749 53,053 561 58 231 0 9 4 423 44 1,330 3,991,225
Oregon 13,198 1,050 6,530 30 651 424 29,162 21,672 72,717 310 25 153 1 15 10 685 509 1,708 4,256,301
Pennsylvania 37,194 5,462 28,550 0 1,566 285 93,626 77,578 244,260 286 42 219 0 12 2 720 596 1,877 13,012,059
Rhode Island 2,238 210 0 0 108 0 17,971 441 20,967 204 19 0 0 10 0 1638 40 1,911 1,096,985
South Carolina 15,759 3,571 11,760 0 633 432 24,232 3,866 60,253 303 69 226 0 12 8 467 74 1,159 5,193,266
South Dakota 3,353 1,260 1,520 219 171 6 5,559 3,474 15,562 374 141 170 24 19 1 620 388 1,737 896,164
Tennessee 21,995 6,722 25,870 0 345 107 54,697 12,329 122,065 316 96 371 0 5 2 785 177 1,752 6,968,351
Texas 133,772 22,267 58,190 0 3,699 1,527 336,883 100,314 656,652 453 75 197 0 13 5 1140 339 2,222 29,558,864
Utah 5,907 1,260 5,420 0 246 97 10,094 3,711 26,736 177 38 162 0 7 3 302 111 800 3,339,113
Vermont 1,287 210 0 0 18 0 2,625 797 4,938 199 32 0 0 3 0 406 123 763 646,972
Virginia 30,357 4,622 23,920 0 918 809 60,106 1,844 122,576 351 53 276 0 11 9 694 21 1,415 8,657,365
Washington 13,674 2,311 10,200 391 693 523 61,561 11,372 100,725 177 30 132 5 9 7 795 147 1,302 7,740,745
West Virginia 5,847 1,260 3,290 0 483 132 6,070 3,085 20,168 327 71 184 0 27 7 340 173 1,129 1,785,526
Wisconsin 20,202 1,471 12,470 42 477 434 37,574 22,092 94,762 344 25 212 1 8 7 639 376 1,612 5,880,101
Wyoming 2,123 630 1,410 41 147 26 4,944 835 10,156 366 109 243 7 25 4 853 144 1,751 579,483
50 states and D.C. total 1,047,008 174,563 656,030 2,182 36,479 20,178 2,885,851 672,207 5,492,544 315 63 198 1 11 6 869 202 1,665 332,031,554

Sources and methodology

State Prisons
Number of people in state prison in that state on December 31, 2021. See the full methodology for more detail.
Federal Prisons
Number of people in federal prison from that state on March 23, 2023 (in Bureau of Prisons facilities) and projected for FY 2023 (for those in U.S. Marshals Service jurisdiction). For how we apportioned the federal prison population to the state of origin, see the full methodology.
Local Jails
People under the supervision of local jails in that state on June 30, 2019. To avoid double counting, people held under contract with other agencies are not included. See the full methodology for more detail.
Youth Facilities
Number of people under age 21 in held in youth residential placement facilities due to justice system involvement in that state on October 23, 2019. Youth under 18 held in adult facilities are not included here and are counted in the corresponding adult prison and jail column. State counts do not sum to total because: There were 1,895 youth placements without a corresponding state, so they are only counted in the total; additionally, to preserve the privacy of the juvenile residents, state level cell counts have been rounded to the nearest multiple of three. See the full methodology for more detail.
Involuntary Commitment
This category includes people involuntarily committed by the court to state psychiatric hospitals for evaulation and after being found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, or Not Guilty but Mentally Ill, in 2014. It also includes people in held in civil commitment facilities for sexual offense convictions in that state in 2022, with the exception of three states and the federal Bureau of Prisons. See the full methodology for more detail.
Indian Country Jails
Number of people in held in Indian Country jails within that state on June 30, 2021. See the full methodology for more detail.
Number of people on parole in that state on December 31, 2021. See the full methodology for more detail.
Number of people on probation in that state on December 31, 2021. See the full methodology for more detail.
Total Under Correctional Control
This is the sum of the previous 8 columns, representing the number of people incarcerated or under community supervision in that state.
State Prison Rate
This is the number of people in state prison in that state per 100,000 people in that state.
Federal Prison Rate
This is the number of people in federal prison from that state per 100,000 people in that state.
Local Jails Rate
This is the number of people in local jails in that state - not including people held under contract with other authorities - per 100,000 people in that state.
Youth Confinement Rate
This is the number of people under 21 in residential placement facilities due to justice system involvement in that state per 100,000 people in that state. Note that that is different than other statistics calculated per 100,000 youth.
Involuntary Commitment Rate
This is the number of people in state psychiatric hospitals or civil commitment facilities in that state per 100,000 people in that state.
Indian Country Jails Rate
This is the number of people in Indian Country jails within that state per 100,000 people in that state.
Parole Rate
This is the number of people on parole in state per 100,000 people in that state. This figure may be different than other statistics based on the number per 100,000 adults.
Probation Rate
This is the number of people on probation in state per 100,000 people in that state. This figure may be different than other statistics based on the number per 100,000 adults.
Total Rate
This is the sum of the previous eight columns, representing the number of people incarcerated or under community supervision in that state per 100,000 state residents. There may be slight discrepancies due to rounding.
Total State Population
This is the number of people in the state's population on July 1, 2021, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Estimates of the Resident Population.

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