Chart comparing rates of asthma, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV or AIDS among people in state prisons to the overall U.S. population. Rates in prisons are at least double those in the U.S. population for each condition

Data Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016 data analyzed by the Prison Policy Initiative;

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019 National Health Interview Survey Data, Table 4-1 (Asthma Prevalence Percents);

Lim, Joseph K. et al., Prevalence of Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States, The American Journal of Gastroenterology 115(9): 1429-1438;

Hofmeister, Megan G. et al., Estimating prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in the United States, 2013-2016, Hepatology 69(3): 1020-1031;

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Diagnoses of HIV Infection among Adults and Adolescents in Metropolitan Statistical Areas - United States and Puerto Rico, 2016, Table 1a. (Graph: Wendy Sawyer, 2022)

This graph originally appeared in Chronic Punishment: The unmet health needs of people in state prisons.

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