New Haven neighborhoods | Number of people in state prison from each New Haven neighborhood, 2020 | Census population, 2020 | Total population, 2020 | Imprisonment rate per 100,000 |
Amity | 52 | 4,840 | 4,892 | 1,063 |
Annex | 52 | 7,126 | 7,178 | 724 |
Beaver Hills | 48 | 5,373 | 5,421 | 885 |
Dixwell | 79 | 7,474 | 6,907 | 1,144 |
Downtown | 11 | 7,714 | 7,725 | 142 |
Dwight | 40 | 6,825 | 6,865 | 583 |
East-Rock | 16 | 9,920 | 9,936 | 161 |
East-Shore | 18 | 5,940 | 5,958 | 302 |
Edgewood | 58 | 4,478 | 4,536 | 1,279 |
Fair-Haven | 140 | 15,969 | 16,109 | 869 |
Fair-Haven Heights | 50 | 8,543 | 8,593 | 582 |
Hill | 197 | 15,293 | 15,490 | 1,272 |
Long Wharf | 4 | 133 | 137 | 2,920 |
Mill River | 23 | 665 | 688 | 3,343 |
Newhallville | 132 | 7,746 | 7,878 | 1,676 |
Prospect Hill | 15 | 4,989 | 5,004 | 300 |
Quinnipiac Meadows | 44 | 5,965 | 6,009 | 732 |
Westriver | 55 | 3,837 | 3,892 | 1,413 |
Westrock | 31 | 5,896 | 5,927 | 523 |
Westville | 18 | 7,692 | 7,710 | 233 |
Wooster Square | 10 | 2,367 | 2,377 | 421 |
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