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Peter Wagner, Executive Director

Number of people in prison in 2022 from each Louisiana House of Representatives district

State House of Representatives districts Number of people in state prison from each House of Representatives district, 2022 Census population, 2020 Total population, 2020 Imprisonment rate per 100,000
District 1 211 44,941 45,152 467
District 2 674 45,642 46,314 1,455
District 3 538 46,122 46,660 1,153
District 4 322 46,405 46,487 693
District 5 119 45,375 45,474 262
District 6 88 44,174 44,262 199
District 7 247 43,279 43,489 568
District 8 99 45,325 45,424 218
District 9 166 43,401 43,567 381
District 10 274 44,137 43,458 630
District 11 229 42,458 41,234 555
District 12 130 45,889 45,672 285
District 13 208 44,187 44,344 469
District 14 75 44,279 44,354 169
District 15 103 43,934 44,037 234
District 16 256 42,328 42,309 605
District 17 314 42,807 42,674 736
District 18 157 46,494 42,220 372
District 19 199 43,183 41,838 476
District 20 260 42,204 41,506 626
District 21 275 44,329 41,635 661
District 22 190 43,238 43,220 440
District 23 338 42,708 42,999 786
District 24 154 42,692 42,789 360
District 25 128 43,136 43,264 296
District 26 496 44,636 44,644 1,111
District 27 127 44,225 44,352 286
District 28 184 42,851 41,204 447
District 29 330 44,544 44,564 741
District 30 272 42,313 42,534 639
District 31 91 46,510 46,601 195
District 32 204 42,409 40,866 499
District 33 154 44,243 44,396 347
District 34 448 45,879 46,302 968
District 35 138 45,975 46,113 299
District 36 70 45,062 45,132 155
District 37 171 45,672 45,829 373
District 38 227 42,309 42,501 534
District 39 100 42,262 42,362 236
District 40 214 45,296 45,480 471
District 41 133 44,744 44,877 296
District 42 201 45,662 45,834 439
District 43 54 42,630 42,684 127
District 44 232 42,506 42,538 545
District 45 39 43,372 43,411 90
District 46 108 43,596 43,704 247
District 47 131 46,480 46,601 281
District 48 98 45,339 45,373 216
District 49 88 45,670 45,736 192
District 50 202 43,190 43,306 466
District 51 230 46,319 46,384 496
District 52 137 43,163 43,300 316
District 53 317 43,160 43,265 733
District 54 176 42,849 43,025 409
District 55 151 45,124 45,202 334
District 56 135 46,361 46,496 290
District 57 166 42,697 42,785 388
District 58 157 45,194 45,265 347
District 59 69 45,699 45,768 151
District 60 217 44,864 43,404 500
District 61 354 44,049 44,401 797
District 62 181 42,969 41,391 437
District 63 180 44,638 43,941 410
District 64 164 45,619 45,783 358
District 65 101 44,189 44,290 228
District 66 28 43,703 43,731 64
District 67 372 43,566 43,938 847
District 68 53 44,607 44,660 119
District 69 68 46,550 46,618 146
District 70 59 45,398 45,457 130
District 71 146 43,001 43,147 338
District 72 272 42,817 42,855 635
District 73 146 46,503 46,649 313
District 74 181 44,185 44,365 408
District 75 402 45,463 44,594 901
District 76 190 43,228 43,414 438
District 77 101 43,291 43,081 234
District 78 116 44,584 44,700 260
District 79 83 45,579 45,662 182
District 80 109 46,249 46,358 235
District 81 113 43,632 43,736 258
District 82 115 46,202 46,317 248
District 83 467 43,956 44,423 1,051
District 84 159 42,520 42,679 373
District 85 236 44,303 44,539 530
District 86 154 45,736 45,890 336
District 87 366 45,538 45,811 799
District 88 74 42,542 42,616 174
District 89 77 45,218 45,295 170
District 90 227 43,451 43,678 520
District 91 362 42,508 42,870 844
District 92 323 45,176 45,499 710
District 93 471 44,224 44,695 1,054
District 94 64 45,685 45,749 140
District 95 231 43,337 43,324 533
District 96 276 45,706 45,957 601
District 97 264 45,713 45,977 574
District 98 88 43,431 43,519 202
District 99 385 45,922 46,307 831
District 100 253 44,360 44,613 567
District 101 190 45,346 45,536 417
District 102 320 45,264 45,584 702
District 103 179 43,764 43,925 408
District 104 167 45,197 45,364 368
District 105 131 43,366 43,135 304

Sources and methodology

State House of Representatives districts
This is the Louisiana State House of Representatives District as drawn in 2022.
Number of people in state prison from each House of Representatives district, 2022
This is the number of people from each House of Representatives district in state prison as of 2022. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the House of Representatives district as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the House of Representatives district as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between each House of Representatives district of different population sizes.

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