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Peter Wagner, Executive Director

Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Baltimore City Community Statistical Area

Baltimore City CSAs Number of people in state prison from each CSA, 2020 Census population, 2020 Total population, 2020 Imprisonment rate per 100,000
Allendale/Irvington/S. Hilton 229 14,828 15,057 1,521
Beechfield/Ten Hills/West Hills 103 13,202 13,305 774
Belair-Edison 242 15,085 15,327 1,579
Brooklyn/Curtis Bay/Hawkins Point 167 13,708 13,875 1,204
Canton 10 8,239 8,249 121
Cedonia/Frankford 250 23,112 23,362 1,070
Cherry Hill 132 7,496 7,628 1,730
Chinquapin Park/Belvedere 52 7,331 7,383 704
Claremont/Armistead 79 10,248 10,327 765
Clifton-Berea 159 7,577 7,736 2,055
Cross-Country/Cheswolde 11 13,374 13,385 82
Dickeyville/Franklintown 31 4,722 4,753 652
Dorchester/Ashburton 119 10,441 10,560 1,127
Downtown/Seton Hill 39 9,448 9,487 411
Edmondson Village 118 7,093 7,211 1,636
Fells Point 19 10,638 10,657 178
Forest Park/Walbrook 123 9,401 9,524 1,291
Glen-Fallstaff 93 16,074 16,166 575
Greater Charles Village/Barclay 81 16,944 17,025 476
Greater Govans 138 9,593 9,731 1,418
Greater Mondawmin 132 8,638 8,770 1,505
Greater Roland Park/Poplar Hill 1 7,320 7,321 14
Greater Rosemont 325 15,099 15,424 2,107
Greenmount East 156 8,270 7,278 2,143
Hamilton 88 12,391 12,479 705
Harbor East/Little Italy 74 5,027 5,101 1,451
Harford/Echodale 112 17,979 18,091 619
Highlandtown 27 8,820 8,847 305
Howard Park/West Arlington 95 10,339 10,434 910
Inner Harbor/Federal Hill 18 15,124 15,142 119
Lauraville 74 11,324 11,398 649
Loch Raven 134 14,718 14,852 902
Madison/East End 158 6,093 6,251 2,528
Medfield/Hampden/Woodberry/Remington 40 17,723 17,763 225
Midtown 45 17,099 17,125 263
Midway/Coldstream 213 7,393 7,606 2,800
Morrell Park/Violetville 62 10,088 10,150 611
Mount Washington/Coldspring 6 5,849 5,855 102
North Baltimore/Guilford/Homeland 17 18,259 18,276 93
Northwood 134 14,533 14,667 914
Oldtown/Middle East 174 10,472 9,891 1,759
Orangeville/East Highlandtown 60 11,751 11,811 508
Patterson Park North & East 113 14,320 14,433 783
Penn North/Reservoir Hill 140 8,072 8,212 1,705
Pimlico/Arlington/Hilltop 156 9,376 9,532 1,637
Poppleton/The Terraces/Hollins Market 78 4,728 4,806 1,623
Sandtown-Winchester/Harlem Park 277 10,531 10,808 2,563
South Baltimore 8 8,208 8,216 97
Southeastern 69 7,555 7,624 905
Southern Park Heights 189 10,660 10,849 1,742
Southwest Baltimore 300 13,194 13,494 2,223
The Waverlies 96 7,148 7,244 1,325
Upton/Druid Heights 175 8,916 9,091 1,925
Washington Village/Pigtown 58 5,184 5,242 1,106
Westport/Mount Winans/Lakeland 89 7,896 7,985 1,115

Sources and methodology

Baltimore City CSAs
This is the Baltimore City Community Statistical Areas as updated by the City of Baltimore in 2021.
Number of people in state prison from each CSA, 2020
This is the number of people from each Community Statistical Area in state prison as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the CSA as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the CSA as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the imprisoned population.
Imprisonment rate per 100,000
This is the number of imprisoned people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of imprisonment between each CSA of different population sizes.

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