Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Rhode Island House of Representatives district

State House of Representatives Districts Number of people incarcerated from each House of Representatives district, 2020 Census population, 2020 Total population, 2020 Incarceration rate 100,000
District 1 4 14,791 14,795 27
District 2 18 14,159 14,177 127
District 3 94 15,104 15,198 619
District 4 21 14,231 14,252 147
District 5 45 15,309 15,354 293
District 6 43 15,038 15,081 285
District 7 59 15,315 15,374 384
District 8 53 15,014 15,067 352
District 9 91 15,253 15,344 593
District 10 70 15,256 15,326 457
District 11 65 15,091 15,156 429
District 12 73 15,079 15,152 482
District 13 40 15,103 15,143 264
District 14 38 14,869 14,907 255
District 15 8 15,346 14,445 55
District 16 21 14,274 14,295 147
District 17 22 14,649 13,557 162
District 18 36 14,168 14,204 253
District 19 14 15,003 15,017 93
District 20 23 14,511 14,135 163
District 21 15 14,077 14,092 106
District 22 13 14,233 14,246 91
District 23 17 13,988 14,005 121
District 24 4 15,300 15,304 26
District 25 34 14,626 14,660 232
District 26 24 14,193 14,217 169
District 27 13 14,862 14,875 87
District 28 6 13,974 13,980 43
District 29 8 13,957 13,965 57
District 30 5 14,135 14,140 35
District 31 14 14,971 14,985 93
District 32 7 14,151 14,158 49
District 33 3 14,064 14,067 21
District 34 5 13,978 13,983 36
District 35 2 14,760 14,762 14
District 36 7 14,757 14,764 47
District 37 5 14,638 14,643 34
District 38 16 13,988 14,004 114
District 39 8 14,532 14,540 55
District 40 5 14,033 14,038 36
District 41 5 14,453 14,458 35
District 42 15 14,366 14,381 104
District 43 17 14,396 14,413 118
District 44 10 15,277 15,287 65
District 45 18 15,264 15,282 118
District 46 17 15,344 15,361 111
District 47 7 14,192 14,199 49
District 48 7 13,928 13,935 50
District 49 59 15,188 15,247 387
District 50 42 15,194 15,236 276
District 51 41 15,204 15,245 269
District 52 6 15,102 15,108 40
District 53 2 14,004 14,006 14
District 54 24 15,273 15,297 157
District 55 19 15,116 15,135 126
District 56 43 15,288 15,331 280
District 57 26 13,972 13,998 186
District 58 61 14,366 14,427 423
District 59 42 15,282 15,324 274
District 60 51 15,303 15,354 332
District 61 21 15,307 15,328 137
District 62 34 13,942 13,976 243
District 63 23 14,370 14,393 160
District 64 21 15,333 15,354 137
District 65 14 15,320 15,334 91
District 66 3 14,611 14,614 21
District 67 6 13,933 13,939 43
District 68 9 13,919 13,928 65
District 69 7 13,961 13,968 50
District 70 9 14,513 14,522 62
District 71 11 14,025 14,036 78
District 72 4 13,923 13,927 29
District 73 35 14,395 14,430 243
District 74 5 14,279 14,284 35
District 75 17 14,256 14,273 119

Sources and methodology

State House of Representatives Districts
This is the Rhode Island State House of Representatives District as drawn in 2022.
Number of people incarcerated from each House of Representatives district, 2020
This is the number of people from each House of Representatives district incarcerated as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the House of Representatives district as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the House of Representatives district as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the incarcerated population.
Incarceration rate 100,000
This is the number of incarcerated people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of incarceration between each House of Representatives district of different population sizes.

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