HELP US END MASS INCARCERATION The Prison Policy Initiative uses research, advocacy, and organizing to dismantle mass incarceration. We’ve been in this movement for 23 years, thanks to individual donors like you.

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Thank you,
Peter Wagner, Executive Director

Number of people in prison in 2020 from each Rhode Island Census tract

FIPS code, 2020 Rhode Island Census tracts Number of people incarcerated from each Census tract, 2020 Census population, 2020 Total population, 2020 Incarceration rate 100,000
44001030100 Bristol County, Census tract 301 0 4,801 4,801 0
44001030200 Bristol County, Census tract 302 1 3,580 3,581 28
44001030300 Bristol County, Census tract 303 0 4,775 4,775 0
44001030400 Bristol County, Census tract 304 1 3,997 3,998 25
44001030500 Bristol County, Census tract 305 8 3,474 3,482 230
44001030601 Bristol County, Census tract 306.01 1 3,553 3,554 28
44001030602 Bristol County, Census tract 306.02 2 4,120 4,122 49
44001030700 Bristol County, Census tract 307 2 3,852 3,854 52
44001030800 Bristol County, Census tract 308 2 5,590 5,592 36
44001030901 Bristol County, Census tract 309.01 3 6,085 6,088 49
44001030902 Bristol County, Census tract 309.02 3 6,966 6,969 43
44003020101 Kent County, Census tract 201.01 4 6,857 6,861 58
44003020102 Kent County, Census tract 201.02 8 5,048 5,056 158
44003020200 Kent County, Census tract 202 11 5,112 5,123 215
44003020300 Kent County, Census tract 203 18 6,218 6,236 289
44003020400 Kent County, Census tract 204 10 3,263 3,273 306
44003020500 Kent County, Census tract 205 4 4,514 4,518 89
44003020601 Kent County, Census tract 206.01 8 6,431 6,439 124
44003020602 Kent County, Census tract 206.02 1 3,512 3,513 28
44003020603 Kent County, Census tract 206.03 8 6,791 6,799 118
44003020604 Kent County, Census tract 206.04 7 5,441 5,448 128
44003020701 Kent County, Census tract 207.01 0 1,894 1,894 0
44003020702 Kent County, Census tract 207.02 0 4,595 4,595 0
44003020703 Kent County, Census tract 207.03 3 7,024 7,027 43
44003020800 Kent County, Census tract 208 1 6,528 6,529 15
44003020901 Kent County, Census tract 209.01 1 3,591 3,592 28
44003020903 Kent County, Census tract 209.03 1 6,876 6,877 15
44003020904 Kent County, Census tract 209.04 3 3,845 3,848 78
44003021001 Kent County, Census tract 210.01 3 2,421 2,424 124
44003021002 Kent County, Census tract 210.02 4 4,686 4,690 85
44003021100 Kent County, Census tract 211 11 5,380 5,391 204
44003021200 Kent County, Census tract 212 4 3,657 3,661 109
44003021300 Kent County, Census tract 213 1 4,624 4,625 22
44003021401 Kent County, Census tract 214.01 3 4,063 4,066 74
44003021402 Kent County, Census tract 214.02 6 3,882 3,888 154
44003021501 Kent County, Census tract 215.01 5 3,399 3,404 147
44003021502 Kent County, Census tract 215.02 3 4,212 4,215 71
44003021600 Kent County, Census tract 216 0 1,570 1,570 0
44003021700 Kent County, Census tract 217 6 4,927 4,933 122
44003021800 Kent County, Census tract 218 4 4,075 4,079 98
44003021901 Kent County, Census tract 219.01 1 3,152 3,153 32
44003021902 Kent County, Census tract 219.02 5 2,678 2,683 186
44003021903 Kent County, Census tract 219.03 6 3,888 3,894 154
44003022000 Kent County, Census tract 220 4 3,447 3,451 116
44003022100 Kent County, Census tract 221 3 5,588 5,591 54
44003022201 Kent County, Census tract 222.01 0 6,679 6,679 0
44003022202 Kent County, Census tract 222.02 3 3,912 3,915 77
44003022300 Kent County, Census tract 223 9 4,300 4,309 209
44003022400 Kent County, Census tract 224 1 2,283 2,284 44
44003980000 Kent County, Census tract 9800 0 0 0 0
44005040101 Newport County, Census tract 401.01 2 4,974 4,976 40
44005040102 Newport County, Census tract 401.02 5 5,968 5,973 84
44005040104 Newport County, Census tract 401.04 2 5,056 5,058 40
44005040105 Newport County, Census tract 401.05 0 1,873 1,873 0
44005040200 Newport County, Census tract 402 0 1,612 1,612 0
44005040302 Newport County, Census tract 403.02 3 2,615 2,618 115
44005040303 Newport County, Census tract 403.03 1 3,348 3,349 30
44005040304 Newport County, Census tract 403.04 2 3,340 3,342 60
44005040400 Newport County, Census tract 404 2 6,160 6,162 32
44005040500 Newport County, Census tract 405 26 4,409 4,435 586
44005040600 Newport County, Census tract 406 7 4,750 4,757 147
44005040700 Newport County, Census tract 407 3 3,210 3,213 93
44005040800 Newport County, Census tract 408 3 2,656 2,659 113
44005040900 Newport County, Census tract 409 2 4,896 4,898 41
44005041000 Newport County, Census tract 410 5 2,029 2,034 246
44005041100 Newport County, Census tract 411 3 1,479 1,482 202
44005041200 Newport County, Census tract 412 1 1,734 1,735 58
44005041300 Newport County, Census tract 413 1 5,559 5,560 18
44005041400 Newport County, Census tract 414 2 3,616 3,618 55
44005041601 Newport County, Census tract 416.01 3 3,155 3,158 95
44005041602 Newport County, Census tract 416.02 2 4,654 4,656 43
44005041701 Newport County, Census tract 417.01 1 3,346 3,347 30
44005041702 Newport County, Census tract 417.02 5 5,204 5,209 96
44005990000 Newport County, Census tract 9900 0 0 0 0
44007000101 Providence County, Census tract 1.01 21 4,571 4,592 457
44007000102 Providence County, Census tract 1.02 17 5,527 5,544 307
44007000200 Providence County, Census tract 2 29 6,957 6,986 415
44007000301 Providence County, Census tract 3.01 8 2,613 2,621 305
44007000302 Providence County, Census tract 3.02 22 4,728 4,750 463
44007000400 Providence County, Census tract 4 18 4,058 4,076 442
44007000500 Providence County, Census tract 5 17 3,287 3,304 515
44007000600 Providence County, Census tract 6 11 2,246 2,257 487
44007000700 Providence County, Census tract 7 39 2,714 2,753 1,417
44007000800 Providence County, Census tract 8 5 4,646 4,651 108
44007000900 Providence County, Census tract 9 6 2,250 2,256 266
44007001000 Providence County, Census tract 10 7 2,584 2,591 270
44007001100 Providence County, Census tract 11 6 2,602 2,608 230
44007001200 Providence County, Census tract 12 17 3,425 3,442 494
44007001300 Providence County, Census tract 13 15 4,296 4,311 348
44007001400 Providence County, Census tract 14 43 6,949 6,992 615
44007001500 Providence County, Census tract 15 6 2,936 2,942 204
44007001601 Providence County, Census tract 16.01 16 3,194 3,210 498
44007001602 Providence County, Census tract 16.02 15 5,619 5,634 266
44007001700 Providence County, Census tract 17 18 4,371 4,389 410
44007001800 Providence County, Census tract 18 28 7,606 7,634 367
44007001900 Providence County, Census tract 19 33 6,247 6,280 525
44007002000 Providence County, Census tract 20 24 6,569 6,593 364
44007002101 Providence County, Census tract 21.01 12 2,790 2,802 428
44007002102 Providence County, Census tract 21.02 29 6,445 6,474 448
44007002200 Providence County, Census tract 22 22 5,216 5,238 420
44007002300 Providence County, Census tract 23 11 5,597 5,608 196
44007002400 Providence County, Census tract 24 13 8,281 8,294 157
44007002500 Providence County, Census tract 25 17 4,096 4,113 413
44007002600 Providence County, Census tract 26 23 3,613 3,636 633
44007002700 Providence County, Census tract 27 34 4,725 4,759 714
44007002801 Providence County, Census tract 28.01 16 3,709 3,725 430
44007002802 Providence County, Census tract 28.02 10 2,909 2,919 343
44007002900 Providence County, Census tract 29 39 7,508 7,547 517
44007003100 Providence County, Census tract 31 12 4,342 4,354 276
44007003200 Providence County, Census tract 32 5 3,340 3,345 149
44007003300 Providence County, Census tract 33 5 4,285 4,290 117
44007003400 Providence County, Census tract 34 2 4,855 4,857 41
44007003500 Providence County, Census tract 35 0 4,859 4,859 0
44007003601 Providence County, Census tract 36.01 0 3,243 3,243 0
44007003602 Providence County, Census tract 36.02 1 7,475 7,476 13
44007003700 Providence County, Census tract 37 6 3,651 3,657 164
44007010101 Providence County, Census tract 101.01 6 3,874 3,880 155
44007010102 Providence County, Census tract 101.02 4 3,471 3,475 115
44007010200 Providence County, Census tract 102 12 6,602 6,614 181
44007010300 Providence County, Census tract 103 7 4,152 4,159 168
44007010400 Providence County, Census tract 104 7 6,715 6,722 104
44007010501 Providence County, Census tract 105.01 3 4,615 4,618 65
44007010502 Providence County, Census tract 105.02 3 4,978 4,981 60
44007010600 Providence County, Census tract 106 8 6,207 6,215 129
44007010701 Providence County, Census tract 107.01 0 2,349 2,349 0
44007010702 Providence County, Census tract 107.02 3 4,176 4,179 72
44007010800 Providence County, Census tract 108 15 5,515 5,530 271
44007010900 Providence County, Census tract 109 18 5,709 5,727 314
44007011000 Providence County, Census tract 110 24 6,389 6,413 374
44007011100 Providence County, Census tract 111 11 4,970 4,981 221
44007011200 Providence County, Census tract 112 7 5,983 5,990 117
44007011301 Providence County, Census tract 113.01 3 4,982 4,985 60
44007011302 Providence County, Census tract 113.02 4 4,197 4,201 95
44007011402 Providence County, Census tract 114.02 1 4,720 4,721 21
44007011403 Providence County, Census tract 114.03 9 7,348 7,357 122
44007011404 Providence County, Census tract 114.04 1 4,572 4,573 22
44007011405 Providence County, Census tract 114.05 2 4,603 4,605 43
44007011500 Providence County, Census tract 115 9 6,742 6,751 133
44007011600 Providence County, Census tract 116 2 6,464 6,466 31
44007011701 Providence County, Census tract 117.01 3 4,818 4,821 62
44007011702 Providence County, Census tract 117.02 5 4,505 4,510 111
44007011800 Providence County, Census tract 118 9 7,145 7,154 126
44007011901 Providence County, Census tract 119.01 6 3,278 3,284 183
44007011902 Providence County, Census tract 119.02 4 5,030 5,034 79
44007012000 Providence County, Census tract 120 12 6,293 6,305 190
44007012102 Providence County, Census tract 121.02 8 4,938 4,946 162
44007012103 Providence County, Census tract 121.03 1 2,987 2,988 33
44007012104 Providence County, Census tract 121.04 8 4,443 4,451 180
44007012200 Providence County, Census tract 122 4 7,445 7,449 54
44007012300 Providence County, Census tract 123 12 6,806 6,818 176
44007012401 Providence County, Census tract 124.01 6 7,283 7,289 82
44007012402 Providence County, Census tract 124.02 0 2,636 2,636 0
44007012500 Providence County, Census tract 125 9 5,398 5,407 166
44007012601 Providence County, Census tract 126.01 0 4,516 4,516 0
44007012602 Providence County, Census tract 126.02 7 7,469 7,476 94
44007012701 Providence County, Census tract 127.01 0 5,563 5,563 0
44007012702 Providence County, Census tract 127.02 3 4,570 4,573 66
44007012801 Providence County, Census tract 128.01 2 5,244 5,246 38
44007012802 Providence County, Census tract 128.02 0 2,394 2,394 0
44007012803 Providence County, Census tract 128.03 1 4,950 4,951 20
44007012900 Providence County, Census tract 129 3 4,954 4,957 61
44007013001 Providence County, Census tract 130.01 1 3,410 3,411 29
44007013002 Providence County, Census tract 130.02 6 7,794 7,800 77
44007013101 Providence County, Census tract 131.01 4 4,680 4,684 85
44007013102 Providence County, Census tract 131.02 1 5,294 5,295 19
44007013201 Providence County, Census tract 132.01 1 4,561 4,562 22
44007013202 Providence County, Census tract 132.02 3 5,823 5,826 51
44007013300 Providence County, Census tract 133 2 4,469 4,471 45
44007013400 Providence County, Census tract 134 6 3,992 3,998 150
44007013500 Providence County, Census tract 135 11 5,378 5,389 204
44007013600 Providence County, Census tract 136 6 3,068 3,074 195
44007013701 Providence County, Census tract 137.01 17 4,492 4,509 377
44007013702 Providence County, Census tract 137.02 2 2,851 2,853 70
44007013800 Providence County, Census tract 138 3 4,950 4,953 61
44007013900 Providence County, Census tract 139 6 3,166 3,172 189
44007014000 Providence County, Census tract 140 12 5,982 5,994 200
44007014100 Providence County, Census tract 141 19 5,304 5,323 357
44007014200 Providence County, Census tract 142 15 4,757 2,350 638
44007014300 Providence County, Census tract 143 4 4,984 4,988 80
44007014400 Providence County, Census tract 144 2 3,859 3,861 52
44007014501 Providence County, Census tract 145.01 1 5,134 5,135 19
44007014502 Providence County, Census tract 145.02 2 4,269 4,271 47
44007014600 Providence County, Census tract 146 3 7,170 7,173 42
44007014700 Providence County, Census tract 147 15 7,833 7,848 191
44007014800 Providence County, Census tract 148 2 5,745 5,747 35
44007015000 Providence County, Census tract 150 12 4,573 4,585 262
44007015100 Providence County, Census tract 151 31 4,802 4,833 641
44007015200 Providence County, Census tract 152 18 3,046 3,064 587
44007015300 Providence County, Census tract 153 10 2,316 2,326 430
44007015400 Providence County, Census tract 154 14 2,381 2,395 585
44007015500 Providence County, Census tract 155 13 4,521 4,534 287
44007015600 Providence County, Census tract 156 4 2,633 2,637 152
44007015700 Providence County, Census tract 157 4 3,753 3,757 106
44007015800 Providence County, Census tract 158 2 3,774 3,776 53
44007015900 Providence County, Census tract 159 6 3,357 3,363 178
44007016000 Providence County, Census tract 160 13 3,523 3,536 368
44007016100 Providence County, Census tract 161 21 5,018 5,039 417
44007016300 Providence County, Census tract 163 1 2,901 2,902 34
44007016400 Providence County, Census tract 164 21 5,180 5,201 404
44007016500 Providence County, Census tract 165 4 3,978 3,982 100
44007016600 Providence County, Census tract 166 1 1,787 1,788 56
44007016700 Providence County, Census tract 167 13 3,420 3,433 379
44007016800 Providence County, Census tract 168 8 3,093 3,101 258
44007016900 Providence County, Census tract 169 3 1,918 1,921 156
44007017000 Providence County, Census tract 170 7 4,635 4,642 151
44007017100 Providence County, Census tract 171 8 4,995 5,003 160
44007017300 Providence County, Census tract 173 8 3,167 3,175 252
44007017400 Providence County, Census tract 174 11 4,304 4,315 255
44007017500 Providence County, Census tract 175 5 3,319 3,324 150
44007017600 Providence County, Census tract 176 9 2,721 2,730 330
44007017700 Providence County, Census tract 177 7 3,637 3,644 192
44007017800 Providence County, Census tract 178 10 2,620 2,630 380
44007017900 Providence County, Census tract 179 18 3,556 3,574 504
44007018000 Providence County, Census tract 180 23 2,869 2,892 795
44007018100 Providence County, Census tract 181 21 2,961 2,982 704
44007018200 Providence County, Census tract 182 10 2,919 2,929 341
44007018300 Providence County, Census tract 183 7 1,842 1,849 379
44007018400 Providence County, Census tract 184 9 6,511 6,520 138
44007018500 Providence County, Census tract 185 3 2,814 2,817 107
44009041500 Washington County, Census tract 415 2 1,410 1,412 142
44009050102 Washington County, Census tract 501.02 0 2,465 2,465 0
44009050103 Washington County, Census tract 501.03 10 5,958 5,968 168
44009050104 Washington County, Census tract 501.04 3 3,942 3,945 76
44009050301 Washington County, Census tract 503.01 5 4,852 4,857 103
44009050302 Washington County, Census tract 503.02 2 2,863 2,865 70
44009050401 Washington County, Census tract 504.01 1 4,849 4,850 21
44009050402 Washington County, Census tract 504.02 0 2,803 2,803 0
44009050500 Washington County, Census tract 505 5 6,460 6,465 77
44009050600 Washington County, Census tract 506 1 8,020 8,021 12
44009050701 Washington County, Census tract 507.01 5 4,166 4,171 120
44009050702 Washington County, Census tract 507.02 4 4,232 4,236 94
44009050801 Washington County, Census tract 508.01 8 6,113 6,121 131
44009050802 Washington County, Census tract 508.02 1 3,748 3,749 27
44009050901 Washington County, Census tract 509.01 4 6,255 6,259 64
44009050902 Washington County, Census tract 509.02 1 5,572 5,573 18
44009051000 Washington County, Census tract 510 0 1,671 1,671 0
44009051101 Washington County, Census tract 511.01 4 4,676 4,680 85
44009051102 Washington County, Census tract 511.02 1 3,321 3,322 30
44009051201 Washington County, Census tract 512.01 1 4,574 4,575 22
44009051202 Washington County, Census tract 512.02 4 4,545 4,549 88
44009051302 Washington County, Census tract 513.02 0 4,028 4,028 0
44009051304 Washington County, Census tract 513.04 0 2,185 2,185 0
44009051305 Washington County, Census tract 513.05 0 3,934 3,934 0
44009051306 Washington County, Census tract 513.06 2 6,170 6,172 32
44009051400 Washington County, Census tract 514 0 6,495 6,495 0
44009051502 Washington County, Census tract 515.02 1 6,716 6,717 15
44009051503 Washington County, Census tract 515.03 1 3,917 3,918 26
44009051504 Washington County, Census tract 515.04 1 3,899 3,900 26
44009990100 Washington County, Census tract 9901 0 0 0 0
44009990200 Washington County, Census tract 9902 0 0 0 0

Sources and methodology

FIPS code, 2020
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Series) Codes are codes used by the Census Bureau to uniquely identify counties and county equivalents in the US. The first two digits are the FIPS state code (e.g., 44=RI); and the last three digits are the FIPS county code within the state (e.g., 001=Bristol County). These are the FIPS Codes used in the 2020 Census.
Rhode Island Census tracts
Census tracts are small, relatively stable subdivisions of a county-equivalent with an average of about 4,000 residents used to collect Census data on a local level.
Number of people incarcerated from each Census tract, 2020
This is the number of people from each Census tract incarcerated as of 2020. See the methodology section of the report.
Census population, 2020
This is the population of the Census tract as reported in the 2020 Census.
Total population, 2020
This is the total population of the Census tract as reflected in the 2020 Census plus the incarcerated population.
Incarceration rate 100,000
This is the number of incarcerated people divided by the total population and then multiplied by 100,000. It allows ready comparison of the frequency of incarceration between each Census tract of different population sizes.

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