Information about community supervision policies, conditions, violations, and more
On this page, the Prison Policy Initiative has curated all of the research about probation and parole that we know of. You can also see a selection of our best original research on this topic on our Probation and Parole page. For research on other criminal justice topics, see our Research Library homepage.
Two years after the end of Roe v. Wade, most women on probation & parole have to ask permission to travel for abortion care Prison Policy Initiative, June, 2024“In all, 41 states have some kind of abortion ban in place, whether "total bans" or bans based on gestational duration. In every one of these states, standard conditions of probation and/or parole require permission to travel out of state or county.”
The Carceral HomeKate Weisburd, January, 2024“A fifty-state analysis of court supervision rules...reveal[s] the extent of targeted invasions of intimate life in the name of rehabilitation or an alternative to prison, rendering the home a highly surveilled space.”
Going back to Cali: Revisiting California's parole release systemPrison Policy Initiative, December, 2023“From 2019 to 2022, California's actual parole grant rate fell 29%...Ultimately, nearly 3,000 more hearings resulted in only 75 more people being released in 2022 compared to 2019.”
(New)Guilty by association: When parole and probation rules disrupt support systems Prison Policy Initiative, November, 2023“Association restrictions prohibit interactions between people on supervision and large swaths of the population, such as those with felony convictions or others on probation or parole. As a result, people must steer clear of certain places altogether.”
No Release: Parole grant rates have plummeted in most states since the pandemic started Prison Policy Initiative, October, 2023“In the 29 states for which we collected 2022 parole approval data, only 8 had grant rates above 50% - Connecticut, Idaho, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming.”
Not an alternative: The myths, harms, and expansion of pretrial electronic monitoring Prison Policy Initiative, October, 2023“Jail populations in many jurisdictions have remained essentially the same or have even increased while [electronic monitoring] usage has skyrocketed, significantly increasing the total number of people under surveillance.”
Probation Condition Setting in Johnson County, KansasRobina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, July, 2023“The standard probation forms used in Johnson County, Kansas, do not mirror the requirements in statute, and people across the system have lost sight of which conditions are required by statute and which are not.”
Parole Condition Setting in IowaRobina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, July, 2023“There is a perception...that there are very few standard conditions because they fall into just eight paragraphs. But when...parsed into individual conditions, there are thirty-five distinct requirements.”
Safe At Home: Improving Maryland's Parole Release Decision Making Justice Policy Institute, May, 2023“In Maryland, [parole] grant rates decline sharply beginning at 40 years of age.”
Punishment Beyond Prisons 2023: Incarceration and supervision by state Prison Policy Initiative, May, 2023“Understanding how each state fares in probation and parole in addition to its systems of confinement gives us a more accurate and complete picture of its reliance on punishment.”(This is an update to our 2018 report,)
Excessive, unjust, and expensive: Fixing Connecticut's probation and parole problems Prison Policy Initiative and the Katal Center for Equity, Health and Justice, May, 2023“Those who are on probation and parole live in fear of arrest and incarceration for nearly any action that could constitute a violation -- a gross misuse of resources and a disservice to families in Connecticut.”
Mortality, health, and poverty: the unmet needs of people on probation and parole Prison Policy Initiative, April, 2023“Three in 10 people under community supervision have substance use disorders, four times the rate of substance use disorders in the general population.”
Electronically Monitored Youth: Stigma and Negative Social Functioning Paywall :(Marijana M. Kotlaja & Lindsey E. Wylie, March, 2023“Juveniles who felt more stigmatized for being on an EM, also experienced greater negative experiences within their social world and social functioning than youth who did not feel stigmatized.”
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2021Bureau of Justice Statistics, February, 2023“From yearend 2011 to yearend 2021, the total adult community supervision population fell 22%, from 4,818,300 to 3,745,000. Most of this decrease was due to a decline of 25% (1 million) in the number of adults on probation.”
Correctional Populations in the United States, 2021 - Statistical TablesBureau of Justice Statistics, February, 2023“At yearend 2021, an estimated 5,444,900 persons were under the supervision of adult correctional systems in the United States, a decline of 1% (down 61,100 persons) from yearend 2020.”
Are Supervision Violations Filling Prisons? The Role of Probation, Parole, and New Offenses in Driving Mass Incarceration Michelle S. Phelps, H. N. Dickens, and De Andre' T. Beadle, January, 2023“These estimates suggest that although adults on community supervision constitute a substantial part of mass incarceration's growth, technical violations have not been a primary driver of prison populations.”
Commission to Examine Reestablishing ParoleState of Maine Legislature, December, 2022“The Commission reports on the history and current state of parole in Maine, as well as its recomendations for exploring options to reestablish a parole system in Maine.”
An eye on reform: Examining decisions, procedures, and outcomes of the Oregon Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision release process Christopher M. Campbell et al, September, 2022“All interviewees discussed how "articulating their rehabilitation" or "demonstrated insight" were both critical in the process and yet very difficult to achieve, often due to poor communication skills.”
Addressing Florida's Parole SystemRight on Crime, June, 2022“A moderate reintroduction of parole is long overdue, and modifying Florida's truth in sentencing thresholds, even gradually, will provide incentive for productive behavior and supervision.”
Changes in the Use of Telehealth Services and Use of Technology for Communication in U.S. Community Supervision Agencies Since COVID-19 Jill Viglione and Thuy Nguyen, May, 2022“Our results indicated that agencies who implemented more COVID-19 mitigation strategies were more likely to institute changes to meet more safely face-to-face with individuals on supervision.”
Parole, Victim Impact Evidence, and RaceAlexis Karteron, May, 2022“There is reason for concern that victim participation in the parole release process reinforces racial disparities within the criminal legal system.”
Federal Justice Statistics, 2020Bureau of Justice Statistics, May, 2022“Of the 346,681 persons under federal correctional control at fiscal year-end 2020, about 56% were in secure confinement and 44% were on community supervision.”
American Prison-Release Systems: Indeterminacy in Sentencing and the Control of Prison Population Size Robina Institute, April, 2022“The operational features of American prison-release systems, and their foreseeable results, could hardly be more dissonant. Sometimes the differences are so extreme as to be inexplicable.”
Parole, Power, and Punishment: The Massachusetts Parole Board's Discriminatory Treatment of People with Mental Health Disabilities Northeastern University School of Law and Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee (MHLAC), March, 2022“The Board's Handbook lists factors that Board members can consider. No regulation, however, requires [their consideration]...the Board's largely arbitrary decision-making process allows for implicit bias that directly impacts those with disabilities.”
Parole Revoked: Justifying Rerelease for Juvenile Lifers Paywall :(Stuti S. Kokkalera and Beatriz Amalfi Marques, March, 2022“Our analysis reveals that most parole revocations stem from technical violations rather than any new criminal activity...revocation review decisions avoid acknowledging the obstacles in juvenile lifer reentry.”
Correctional Populations in the United States, 2020Bureau of Justice Statistics, March, 2022“The decline in the correctional population during 2020 was due to decreases in both the community supervision population (down 276,700 or 6.6%) and the incarcerated population (down 294,400 or 18.9%).”
Compassionate Release: The Impact of the First Step Act and COVID-19 Pandemic United States Sentencing Commission, March, 2022“As the length of the offender's original sentence increased, the likelihood that the court would grant relief decreased (from 56.9% of offenders sentenced to a term of 12 months or less to 19.8% of offenders sentenced to a term of 120-240 months).”
Criminal ViolationsJacob Schuman, February, 2022“While technical violations [of supervised release] punish non-criminal behavior, criminal violations drive punishment by increasing sentences for criminal convictions and making punishing crimes easier.”
New data: The changes in prisons, jails, probation, and parole in the first year of the pandemic Prison Policy Initiative, January, 2022“Most of the drop in prison populations occurred within the federal Bureau of Prisons and just three states: California, Florida, and Texas.”
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2020Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 2021“The adult probation population declined 8.3% during 2020, the largest annual decrease since 1980 when BJS began the probation collection.”
Reducing Missed Appointments for Probation and Parole Supervision: a Randomized Experiment with Text Message Reminders Charise Hastings, Chris Thomas, Michael Ostermann, Jordan M. Hyatt, & Steve Payne, December, 2021“The best attendance of scheduled probation/parole meetings was found in the treatment group assigned to late text reminders 1 day before the appointment. That group had 29% fewer no-shows and 21% fewer cancelled appointments than the control group.”
Georgia: Monitoring Data Trends after 2017 Justice Reinvestment Initiative Reforms Council of State Governments Justice Center, November, 2021“The reduction in the active felony probation population resulting from Georgia's Justice Reinvestment policies has allowed officers to focus time and resources on people at the highest risk to recidivate.”
The Perils of Probation: How Supervision Contributes to Jail Populations Vera Institute of Justice, October, 2021“People held for probation violations can make up a fairly large proportion of the average daily jail population even in sites with relatively low jail admissions for violations.”
Electronic Prisons: The Operation of Ankle Monitoring in the Criminal Legal System Kate Weisburd et al., September, 2021“Monitoring and its attendant rules significantly burden basic rights, liberty and dignity.”
Compassionate Release Data Report: Calendar Years 2020 to 2021 United States Sentencing Commission, September, 2021(This report contains charts and tables describing the 20,565 motions for compassionate release decided upon by the courts in 2020 and the first half of 2021; of those, just over 3,600 or 17.5% were granted.)
Office of the Public Defender Parole Project: Revised Report New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, September, 2021“From January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2019, 445 people who were sentenced to life in prison appeared before the Parole Board...39 applicants (8.76%) were paroled.”
Access in Brief: Health Care Needs of Adults Involved with the Criminal Justice System Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, August, 2021“When compared to their peers with other forms of coverage, Medicaid beneficiaries under community supervision were more likely to have Hepatitis B or C, chronic bronchitis, or asthma.”
A Review of the Mississippi State Parole BoardMississippi Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review, July, 2021“In 2019, the State Parole Board established hearing dates within thirty days of an offender's parole eligibility for only 53% of offenders who were eligible for parole.”
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2019Bureau of Justice Statistics, July, 2021“The probation population has declined each year since 2007; The parole population increased or stayed relatively the same each year since 2014.”
Dead Man Waiting: A brief profile of deaths in Texas prisons among people approved for parole release Deitch, Michele, Destiny Moreno, and Alycia Welch, June, 2021“The data reveals that a large number of people die in Texas prisons each year even though the Parole Board had already determined that these individuals were worthy of parole and no longer presented a risk to public safety.”
Parole Rules in the United States: Conditions of Parole in Historical Perspective, 1956-2020 Benjamin Wiggins et al, June, 2021“The increasing number of standard conditions for people on parole, especially economic sanctions, can overwhelm a person on parole's willingness and capacity to comply.”
Federal Justice Statistics, 2017-2018Bureau of Justice Statistics, April, 2021“Of the 372,354 persons under some form of federal correctional control at fiscal year-end 2018, 60% were in secure confinement and 40% were under community supervision.”
The Enormous Cost of Parole Violations in New YorkThe Justice Lab and The Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform, March, 2021“In 2019, New York's state and local governments collectively spent $683 million to incarcerate people on parole for rules violations, without evidence that this massive expenditure of resources meaningfully contributed to public safety.”
Punitive SurveillanceKate Weisburd, March, 2021“"Punitive surveillance" allows government officials and for-profit companies to track, record, search and analyze the location, biometric data and other meta-data of thousands of people on probation and parole, and is subject to almost no limitations.”
Applying Procedural Justice in Community Supervision Assessment of Pilot Testing in the Georgia Department of Community Supervision Urban Institute, March, 2021“The supervisee-level analyses found that supervisees from the training group had significantly fewer arrests, warrants, delinquent reports, and convictions than supervisees from the control group.”
Paid Your Debt to Society? Court-related Financial Obligations and Community Supervision during the First Year after Release from Prison Paywall :(Nathan W. Link, February, 2021“One's status as being under correctional supervision at release from prison leads to increased debt, which in turn increases the chance of remaining under supervision during the first year out.”
Prisons and Penny-Pinching: Finding Budget Savings in the Time of COVID-19 Texas Public Policy Coalition, January, 2021“Even a small percentage reduction in the number of annual revocations can potentially yield millions in annual cost savings.”
Legal Ruralism and California Parole Hearings: Space, Place, and the Carceral Landscape Kathryne M. Young, December, 2020“[Parole] commissioners report that prisons' location in rural areas affects the rehabilitative resources available, which are seen as an important aspect of their readiness for release.”
What you should know about halfway housesPrison Policy Initiative, September, 2020“Very little data about halfway houses has been available to the public, even though they are a major feature of the carceral system.”
More Work to Do: Analysis of Probation and Parole in the United States, 2017-2018 Kendra Bradner, Vincent Schiraldi, Natasha Mejia, and Evangeline Lopoo, August, 2020“From 2008 to 2018, the decline in the number of people on probation has failed to keep pace with the decline in arrests, resulting in an increase in the rate of probation, per arrest.”
Revolving Doors: Examining the Effect of Race and Ethnicity on Discretionary Decision-Making in Parole Revocations Tri Keah S. Henry, August, 2020“Findings suggest that race/ethnicity significantly influences parole revocation outcomes.”
More Work to Do: Analysis of Probation and Parole in the United States, 2017-2018 Kendra Bradner, Vincent Schiraldi, Natasha Mejia, and Evangeline Lopoo, August, 2020“From 2008 to 2018, the decline in the number of people on probation has failed to keep pace with the decline in arrests, resulting in an increase in the rate of probation, per arrest.”
Revoked: How Probation and Parole Feed Mass Incarceration in the United States Human Rights Watch & the ACLU, July, 2020“The most common rule violations that trigger incarceration in Wisconsin are using drugs and consuming alcohol or entering bars. In Pennsylvania, state parole violations largely result from people failing to report address changes and using drugs.”
Use of Structured Sanctions and Incentives in Probation and Parole SupervisionRobina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, July, 2020“There is strong evidence that the use of incentives by supervising officers produces improved supervision outcomes for individuals convicted of more serious offenses and people classified as higher risk to reoffend.”
Paying on Probation: How Financial Sanctions Intersect with Probation to Target, Trap, and Punish People Who Cannot Pay Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School, June, 2020“All but two states have statutes authorizing the imposition of supervision fees on people sentenced to some or all types of supervised probation.75 Most supervision fees are assessed monthly, and can be quite high, ranging from $10 to $150 per month.”
Physical Health and Disability Among U.S. Adults Recently on Community SupervisionTyler N. A. Winkelman, Michelle S. Phelps, Kelly Lyn Mitchell, Latasha Jennings, and Rebecca J. Shlafer, April, 2020“Compared to the general population, adults recently on community supervision were significantly more likely to report fair or poor health, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hepatitis B or C, one or more chronic conditions, and any disability.”
Policy Reforms Can Strengthen Community Supervision: A framework to improve probation and parole The Pew Charitable Trusts, April, 2020“This report details the challenges facing community supervision systems around the country and outlines specific policy changes that states can make to achieve improved outcomes.”
Racial Inequities in New York Parole SupervisionKendra Bradner and Vincent Schiraldi, March, 2020“Black and Latinx people are significantly more likely than white people to be under supervision, to be jailed pending a violation hearing, and to be incarcerated in New York State prisons for a parole violation.”
Do Parole Technical Violators Pose a Safety Threat? An Analysis of Prison Misconduct Paywall :(Erin A. Orrick & Robert G. Morris, November, 2019“Based on the official disciplinary records from male inmates readmitted to prison for technical violations and new offenses, technical violators were found to be significantly less likely to engage in any form of prison misconduct.”
Opportunity Costs: Unequal Justice in Alabama's Community Corrections Programs Southern Poverty Law Center, August, 2019“The SPLC's eight-month investigation of community corrections programs in Alabama reveals serious flaws in a "user-funded justice" system that, in many locales, seems to be focused more on raising money than on rehabilitation or public safety.”
Confined and Costly: How Supervision Violations Are Filling Prisons and Burdening Budgets Council of State Governments, June, 2019(45% of state prison admissions nationwide are due to violations of probation or parole.)
Levers of Change In Parole Release And RevocationRobina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, May, 2019“Paroling authorities have continued to occupy an influential, but low visibility niche, across the landscape of corrections. Parole boards and the release systems they drive exert a large impact on prison populations that is seldom acknowledged.”
New data: Low incomes - but high fees - for people on probation Prison Policy Initiative, April, 2019“Nationwide, two-thirds (66%) of people on probation make less than $20,000 per year.”
Failure should not be an option: Grading the parole release systems of all 50 states Prison Policy Initiative, February, 2019“Parole systems should give every incarcerated person ample opportunity to earn release and have a fair, transparent process for deciding whether to grant it.”
Red states, blue states: What do these mean for people on parole? Prison Policy Initiative, January, 2019(In 2016, Massachusetts returned almost a quarter of its entire parole population to prison for technical violations, while Texas returned only 1%..)
The Wisconsin Community Corrections StoryColumbia University Justice Lab, January, 2019“Wisconsin serves as a good example of a place where parole and probation supervision are contributing to a prison population that is highly racially disparate and growing.”
Correctional Control 2018: Incarceration and supervision by state Prison Policy Initiative, December, 2018“An estimated 4.5 million adults are under community supervision, nearly twice the number of people who are incarcerated in jails and prisons combined.”
Eight Keys to Mercy: How to shorten excessive prison sentences Prison Policy Initiative, November, 2018(This report provides state leaders with eight strategies to shorten overly long prison sentences.)
Undue Influence: A Prosecutor's Role in Parole Proceeding R. Michael Cassidy, September, 2018(Prosecutors should ordinarily refrain from personally testifying at parole hearings, and should submit written comments to the parole board only in rare situations.)
Modernizing Parole Statutes: Guidance from Evidence-Based Practice Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, August, 2018(This paper's recommendations serve as a starting place for those interested in modernizing parole laws around three areas: the parole decision-making process, the terms/conditions of supervision, and the administration of the paroling authority itself.)
State Medical and Geriatric Parole LawsNational Conference of State Legislatures, August, 2018“While the vast majority of states have medical parole laws and a number of states have a geriatric parole law, they are rarely used.”
Young Adults and Community Supervision The Need for a Developmentally Appropriate Approach to Probation Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, August, 2018“The purpose of this report is to highlight evidence-based probation practices that improve outcomes, strengthening public safety and changing the life trajectory of young adults who might otherwise spend years in prison.”
New York State Parole Board: Failures in Staffing and Performance The Parole Preparation Project and The Release Aging People in Prison Campaign, August, 2018(This report examines the status of the New York State Parole Board, finding that severe staffing shortages, unlawful procedures, and unethical behavior threaten the board's integrity and fail both incarcerated people and the public.)
"Set up to Fail": The Impact of Offender-Funded Private Probation on the Poor Human Rights Watch, February, 2018“This report examines the use and impact of privatized probation services for misdemeanor offenses in four US states, and provides recommendations to protect against the abuses of criminal justice debt.”
Too big to succeed: The impact of the growth of community corrections and what should be done about it Columbia University Justice Lab, January, 2018(This report discusses the consequences of the tremendous growth in probation and parole supervision in the United States over the past several decades, and argues that the number of people under supervision needs to be cut in half.)
Less is More in New York: An Examination of the Impact of State Parole Violations on Prison and Jail Populations Columbia University Justice Lab, January, 2018(This research brief examines the decline in the number of people in New York's state prisons and local jails, including Rikers Island, and the simultaneous rise in the number of people incarcerated for state parole violations.)
Mass Probation and Inequality: Race, Class, and Gender Disparities in Supervision and Revocation Michelle Phelps, 2018“The results suggest that probation supervision contributes to racial disparities in imprisonment, both by diverting more white defendants to probation initially and by revoking black probationers at greater rates.”
Collaborating Across the Walls: A Community Approach to Parole Justice Michelle Lewin and Nora Carroll, October, 2017“Many applicants appear before the Board numerous times, often on nine or ten occasions, before they are granted release, forcing them to languish in prison for many years longer than their minimum sentence.”
Parole Revocation in Connecticut: opportunities to reduce incarceration Samuel Jacobs Criminal Justice Clinic, September, 2017(The Connecticut Board of Pardons and Paroles revoked parole and imposed a prison sanction in 100% of the hearings observed by the Samuel Jacobs Criminal Justice Clinic in November of 2015.)
Reducing Recidivism: States Deliver Results Council of State Governments Justice Council, June, 2017“This brief from the National Reentry Resource Center profiles seven states in which recidivism has significantly decreased over the last decade according to several different measures.”
Delaying a Second Chance: The Declining Prospects for Parole on Life Sentences The Sentencing Project, January, 2017“By placing upward pressure on prison sentences for people with less serious convictions, excessive prison terms for lifers have contributed to a major cause of mass incarceration.”
Probation population declines: Good, but not good enough Prison Policy Initiative, December, 2016“o make a real dent in the country's bloated correctional population, policy makers need to advance criminal justice and social policies aimed at reducing the number of people on probation.”
The Continuing Leverage of Releasing Authorities: Findings from a National Survey: Executive Summary Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, October, 2016“Releasing authorities continue to retain significant and unrecognized clout in their decision-making. Their practices and policies impact the achievement of the criminal justice system's fundamental goals: fairness, offender rehabilitation, and safety.”
Improving Parole Release in AmericaEdward E. Rhine, Joan Petersilia, and Kevin R. Reitz, January, 2016“This article lays out a ten-point program for the improve-ment of discretionary parole-release systems in America.”
Does Prison Crowding Predict Higher Rates of Substance Use Related Parole Violations? A Recurrent Events Multi-Level Survival Analysis PLoS ONE, October, 2015“Prison crowding predicted higher rates of parole violations after release from prison. The effect was magnitude-dependent and particularly strong for drug charges.”
Probation: The nicest sounding way to grease the skids of mass incarceration Prison Policy Initiative, August, 2015“More than half the people under correctional control are on probation.”
Making Sense of Sentencing State Systems and Policies National Conference of State Legislatures, June, 2015(This report summarizes states' criminal codes and sentencing systems.)
Paroling people who committed serious crimes: What is the actual risk? Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending, December, 2014(People who commit homicides or sex offenses have extremely low re-offense rates. This report argues that parole decisions should take into account this reality & aim to better repare people for release, not incarcerate them needlessly.)
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2013Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2014(At yearend 2013, an estimated 4,751,400 adults were under community supervision---a decline of about 29,900 offenders from yearend 2012.)
Realignment Report A One-year Examination of Offenders Released from State Prison in the First Six Months of Public Safety Realignment California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, May, 2013“The 1-year arrest/conviction rates of offenders released pre and post-Realignment is similar, but the 1-year return to prison rate was substantially less post-Realignment since most offenders in this cohort were ineligible to return on a parole violation.”
Paradox of Probation: Community Supervision in the Age of Mass Incarceration Michelle Phelps, March, 2013(The results suggest that across place and time, probation paradoxically exerts both a prison alternative and net-widener effect, with the two forces often cancelling one another out.)
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2011Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2012“At yearend 2011, for the first time since 2002, the U.S. probation population fell below 4 million.”
The Impact of CA's Probation Performance Incentive Funding ProgramPew Center on the States, February, 2012“In the first year of implementation, the state probation failure rate declined from 7.9 percent during the baseline years of 2006-2008 to 6.1 percent in 2010, a 23 percent reduction in revocations.”
Probation And Parole In The United States, 2010Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2011“The state parole population declined by 0.3% during 2010. The number of adults on supervised release in the federal system increased by 4.9%, which contributed to the increase in the U.S. parole population.”
Profiting from the Poor A Report on Predatory Probation Companies in Georgia Southern Center for Human Rights, July, 2008“The privatization of misdemeanor probation has placed unprecedented law enforcement authority in the hands of for-profit companies that act essentially as collection agencies.”
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2006Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 2007“The number of adult men and women in the United States who were being supervised on probation or parole at the end of 2006 reached 5,035,225. In 2006 the combined probation and parole populations grew by 1.8% or 87,852 persons.”
New Jersey's Drug Courts, Special Probation and Proposal for ReformThe New Jersey Commission to Review Criminal Sentencing, April, 2007“[P]rograms that combine comprehensive treatment, intensive supervision and judicial oversight cost substantially less than prolonged periods of imprisonment... the public benefits not only from the reduction in crime, but also from significant savings...”
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2005Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2006“In 2005 the Nation's parole population grew 1.6%. This was an increase of 12,556 parolees during the year.”
Breaking the Barriers for Women on ParoleLittle Hoover Commission, December, 2004“At the time of their arrest, half of these women were taking care of their children; two-thirds of those women were single parents.”(This report looks at incarceration patterns for women in California and proposes solutions for the problems identified.)
The high cost of denying parole: an analysis of prisoners eligible for release Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending, November, 2003“Although other important factors exist, the single biggest reason for prison growth has been changed parole practices. Far more people who have served their minimum sentences and are, by law, eligible for release, are being denied parole.”
Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2001“Forty-two percent of State parole discharges were successful”
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2000Bureau of Justice Statistics, August, 2001“National correctional population reaches new high -- Grows by 117,400 during 2000 to total 6.5 million adults”