Police & policing
Presence, practices, and policies of police
- People who experience homelessness are arrested at extremely high rates in Atlanta — and largely for being poor (Created: 2023)
- Police disproportionately threaten or use force against communities of color (Created: 2022)
- Black residents experience police misconduct at twelve times the rate of white residents (Created: 2022)
- Women experiencing police use of force rose dramatically between 1999 and 2020 (Created: 2022)
- 610,000 people are released from state and federal prisons each year (Created: 2022)
- More than 1 in 3 people in state prison were first arrested before their 16th birthday (Created: 2022)
- Most people in state prison were first arrested as youth (Created: 2022)
- Arrests fell 24% from 2019 to 2020, due to changes in daily life and short-term changes in enforcement of low-level crime (Created: 2022)
- Arrest rates for most youth are falling, while Native youth arrests are on the rise (Created: 2021)
- Homicides with Black and Latinx victims are less likely lead to an arrest than homicides with white victims (Created: 2021)
- BIPOC transgender people are disproportionately harassed by police (Created: 2021)
- Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are much more likely to be arrested than straight people (Created: 2021)
- Among individuals who have any contact with police, people of color disproportionately experience the use of force (Created: 2020)
- Black people are disproportionately stopped on the street by the police, while white people are much more likely to call the police for help (Created: 2020)
- U.S. police kill civilians at a much higher rate than police in other wealthy countries (Created: 2020)
- U.S. police kill far more civilians annually than any other wealthy nation (Created: 2020)
- Black individuals are disproportionately likely to be jailed, and jail repeatedly (Created: 2019)
- "Frequent utilizers" of jails often face extreme economic disadvantages (Created: 2019)
- Jail "frequent utilizers" often lack access to regular healthcare (Created: 2019)
- People jailed most frequently are disproportionately black (Created: 2019)
- People with multiple arrests have serious health needs (Created: 2019)
- People with multiple arrests are more likely to be poor, unemployed, and have less than a high school education (Created: 2019)
- Searches during traffic stops have declined among men, but not among women (Created: 2019)
- Women experiencing police use of force rose dramatically between 1999 and 2015 (Created: 2019)
- Women's share of all police-initiated contacts is even higher than their share of arrests (Created: 2019)
- Women make up a growing portion of arrests (Created: 2019)
- Police are twice as likely to use force against people of color (Created: 2018)
- The hidden cost of stop and frisk (Created: 2017)
- New York stop and frisk is ineffective (Created: 2016)
- The path from arrest to pretrial detention (Created: 2016)
- Confidence in the police by race, 1994-2015 (Created: 2015)
- Blacks are more than 8 times as likely as Whites to be stopped by the New York City police (Created: 2012)
- Blacks are 11 times as likely as Whites to be frisked by the New York City Police (Created: 2012)
- New York City's increasing use of "stop & frisk" policing (Created: 2012)
- In half million plus stops per year, New York City police discover law of diminishing returns (Created: 2012)
- New York City's 'stop & frisk' policing consistently focuses on Blacks and Latinos (Created: 2012)
- Blacks are almost 12 times as likely as Whites to have force used while being stopped or frisked by the New York City Police (Created: 2012)
- Innocent Latinos and Blacks are more likely than Whites to experience the use of force during a NYC 'stop and frisk' (Created: 2012)
- During stops that do not result in an arrest, Blacks are more than 12 times as likely as Whites to experience the use of force during stop & frisks by New York City Police (Created: 2012)
- Confidence in the police, by race (Created: 2003)
- Do the police treat all races fairly?, by race (Created: 2003)