Courts and trials

Research on prosecutors, judges, public defense, court caseloads, and more

On this page, the Prison Policy Initiative has curated all of the research about the court system and its processes that we know of. For research on other criminal justice topics, see our Research Library homepage.

  • State Courts Play a Key Role in American Life Pew Charitable Trusts, October, 2024“State courts in the U.S. handle approximately 66 million cases each year--more than twice the annual number of arrests (8 million) and traffic stops (20 million), combined.”
  • Under-resourced and Ignored: Indigent Defense in Schuylkill County Wren Collective, January, 2024“We found an underfunded indigent defense system that lacks the support for enough lawyers to represent clients, including at bail hearings, for immigration consultations, and adequate technology for attorneys to properly do their jobs.”
  • Restoring and Rebuilding: Indigent Defense in Gwinnett County Wren Collective, January, 2024“In 2022, the county had 132 lawyers willing to take court appointments. Now, that number is 80. Those 80 lawyers are responsible for 13,000 cases/year. There are only 8 lawyers eligible to handle murder cases, which have a potential punishment of death...”
  • (New) Hidden Behind Bars The Public Health Implications of Incompetency to Stand Trial Paywall :( Nathaniel P. Morris, MD, and Jacob M. Izenberg, MD, December, 2023“People with mental illness are often arrested for low-level many such cases, it's difficult to justify the involvement of forensic experts, months of waiting in jail for competency evaluation and restoration...”(By creating a free account, you can access this NEJM article.)
  • The Failure of Gideon and the Promise of Public Defense Center for Justice Innovation, November, 2023“In essence, fast pleas, typically at the expense of what is best for [a flat-fee attorney's] client, act as the counter to offset low pay.”
  • Gideon at 60: A Snapshot of State Public Defense Systems and Paths to System Reform National Institute of Justice Office for Access to Justice, November, 2023“Two-thirds of states (34) do not have full statewide oversight of public defense, meaning they do not set standards or monitor whether people receive counsel in all cases where they have a right to it.”
  • Indigent Criminal Defense and Commonwealth's Attorneys Virginia's Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, November, 2023“The number of attorneys serving as court-appointed defense attorneys in Virginia has declined since FY13, especially during the last few years. Participation has declined by more than half, from nearly 4,000 attorneys in FY13 to about 1,900 in FY23.”
  • Advancing the Use of Data in Prosecution: What We Measure Matters Fair and Just Prosecution, October, 2023“Although a great deal of progress has been made to center data and research in public discourse, few jurisdictions have chosen to devote sufficient resources to cultivate robust data capacity in prosecutors' offices.”
  • Systemic Failure To Appear in Court Lindsay Graef, Sandra G. Mason, Aurelie Ouss, and Megan T. Stevenson, August, 2023“Between 2010 and 2020, an essential witness or lawyer failed to appear for at least one hearing in 53% of all cases, compared to a 19% FTA rate for defendants [in Philadelphia, Pa.].”
  • Highlights from 2020-2022 Criminal Summons Data Data Collaborative for Justice, June, 2023“In 2022, Black people were 9.10 times more likely than white people to be issued a summons, and Hispanic people were 6.78 times more likely to be issued a summons.”
  • Inequitable and Undemocratic: A Research Brief on Jury Exclusion in Massachusetts and a Multipronged Approach to Dismantle It Katy Naples-Mitchell and Haruka Margaret Braun, Roundtable on Racial Disparities in Massachusetts Criminal Courts, June, 2023“A conservative estimate of 95,000 people are disqualified from jury service [in Massachusetts] because of a felony conviction within seven years, a pending felony charge, or current incarceration at any given time.”
  • Understanding Court Absence and Reframing "Failure To Appear" in Lake County, IL Justice System Partners, May, 2023“90% of individuals were not aware of either the Public Defender or Pretrial Services court reminder notification system. Of those who were not aware of this system, 90% said they would opt-in if offered again.”
  • Cost of Discretion: Judicial Decision-Making, Pretrial Detention, and Public Safety in New York City Scrutinize, QSIDE Institute, and NYU School of Law, May, 2023“The estimated impact of these judges' disproportionately carceral decisions over 2.5 years amounts to 580 additional people detained, 154 additional years of pretrial detention, and over $77 million of additional costs borne by New York City taxpayers.”
  • Evidence Rules for Decarceration Erin Collins, April, 2023“As we envision a path towards decarceration, we must consider the barriers created by evidence rules, even if defendants often are effectively dissuaded from exercising their right to trial and the rules are never applied.”
  • Stacked: Where Criminal Charge Stacking Happens -- And Where it Doesn't Harvard Law Review, March, 2023“Some states charge more offenses per defendant and do so more often than the federal government.”
  • Persevere: Our Ongoing Fight for an Equal Justice Judiciary The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, February, 2023“Having judges who reflect and represent all of us also increases public trust in the judiciary and improves judicial decision-making.”
  • Preempting Progress: States Take Aim at Local Prosecutors Jorge Camacho et al, January, 2023“In the past three state legislative sessions, at least 28 preemption bills have been proposed in 16 states to undermine anti-carceral uses of prosecutorial discretion.”
  • Federal Justice Statistics, 2021 Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 2022“U.S. attorneys declined to prosecute 22% of matters concluded in FY 2021. The cases most likely to be declined were property fraud (45%) and regulatory public order (44%) offenses.”
  • Data on Adjudication of Misdemeanor Offenses: Results from a Feasibility Study Abt Associates and Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2022“By focusing on misdemeanors, BJS is addressing a substantial gap in criminal justice statistics, as very little empirical information exists about misdemeanor charges filed in state, county, and municipal courts.”
  • Greening Criminal Legal Deserts in Rural Texas Deason Criminal Justice Reform Center, October, 2022“The shortage of rural criminal lawyers is dire. Fewer than 1% of Texas criminal lawyers have their practice in a rural county.”
  • Justice Delayed: The Complex System of Delays in Criminal Court Kat Albrecht et al., July, 2022“This Article demonstrates not only that case delay is a significant social and legal problem, but also that the leadership of the Circuit Court...[must rethink] the way in which Cook Count's criminal courts conduct business.”
  • No Justice, No Pleas: Subverting Mass Incarceration Through Defendant Collective Action Andrew Manuel Crespo, April, 2022“Courts and prosecutors simply do not have the resources to sustain mass incarceration while affording everyone accused of a crime the constitutionally guaranteed right to a trial.”
  • Pretrial Release and Misconduct in Federal District Courts, Fiscal Years 2011-2018 Bureau of Justice Statistics, March, 2022“While 19% of all released defendants committed some form of pretrial misconduct during FYs 2011-18, defendants with a financial bond (10%) did so less often than defendants with an unsecured bond (20%).”
  • Reimagining Judging Nancy Gertner and the Square One Project, January, 2022“Judges are not alone in resisting reform-- some prosecutors, police, politicians, and even the media share responsibility. But in many ways judicial resistance to change is more difficult to address, clothed as it is in citations to precedent...”
  • Justice in Decision-Making: Studying Racial & Ethnic Disparities in the Brooklyn District Attorney's Office CUNY Institute for State & Local Governance, October, 2021“While our analysis showed that case processing in the Brooklyn DA's office resulted in fewer racial and ethnic disparities than expected overall, there were more notable disparities within specific offense types or charges.”
  • The Challenge of Imposing Just Sentences Under Mandatory Minimum Statutes: A Qualitative Study of Judicial Perceptions Paywall :( Esther Nir and Siyu Liu, July, 2021“[Judges] perceive that mandatory minimums often strip away the flexibility they need to craft appropriate sentences in individual cases, leading to punishments that are unduly harsh.”
  • Felony Case Delay in New York City: Lessons from a Pilot Project in Brooklyn Center for Court Innovation, March, 2021“Despite the constitutional guarantee of a speedy trial, in 2019, for indicted felonies, New York City only met the state's standard for a six-month resolution in about a third of cases.”
  • Pleading for Justice: Bullpen Therapy, Pre-Trial Detention, and Plea Bargains in American Courts Paywall :( Amy E. Lerman, Ariel Lewis Green, and Patricio Dominguez, March, 2021“In a national sample, defendants held in custody pre-trial are significantly more likely to enter a guilty plea, all else equal.”
  • The New York State Trial Penalty: The Constitutional Right to Trial Under Attack National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, March, 2021“By 1996 and every year after, 98% to 99% of misdemeanor convictions were obtained by plea. If someone is convicted in New York State, whether of a felony or a misdemeanor, it is overwhelmingly likely that they were convicted by plea rather than at trial.”
  • Pandemic Caseloads Highlights: Court filings and dispositions 2019-2020 Court Statistics Project, March, 2021“While the number of case filings is expected to return to normal in criminal, traffic, and juvenile over the course of 2021, no surge in cases is expected.”
  • The Evolving Science on Implicit Bias: An Updated Resource for the State Court Community National Center for State Courts, March, 2021“Ultimately, judicial leadership must determine the goals of institutional efforts to address systemic and implicit biases.”
  • In the Shadows: A Review of the Research on Plea Bargaining Vera Institute of Justice, September, 2020“Researchers estimate that more than 90% of criminal cases that end in conviction are the result of plea bargaining, a low-visibility, off-the-record, and informal process that usually occurs far from open court.”
  • Models of Prosecutor-Led Diversion Programs in the United States and Beyond Kay L. Levine and Ronald F. Wright, May, 2020“Prosecutor-led diversion programs create the greatest risk of abuse, because other governmental actors are not necessary to resolve a case. The prosecutor might operate the diversion program in a way that widens the net of social control...”
  • Do Public Defender Resources Matter? The Effect of Public Defender and Support Staff Caseloads on the Incarceration of Felony Defendants Aaron Gottlieb and Kelsey Arnold, April, 2020“Results suggest that felony defendants in counties with higher public defender and support staff caseloads are more likely to be detained pretrial and that felony defendants in counties with smaller support staff caseloads receive shorter incarceration.”
  • National Study of Prosecutor Elections UNC School of Law, January, 2020“Although most prosecutor elections are uncontested, most voters tend to live in jurisdictions that are more likely to give them a choice.”
  • The Problem of Problem-Solving Courts Erin Collins, November, 2019“They also reveal a new problem with the model itself - its entrenchment creates resistance to alternatives that might truly reform the system.”
  • Rhetoric, Not Reform: Prosecutors & Pretrial Practices in Suffolk, Middlesex, and Berkshire Counties CourtWatch MA, October, 2019“Prosecutors in Massachusetts may talk about reform and decarceration, but the limited available data suggest their practices don't live up to their rhetoric.”
  • A Fair Fight: Achieving Indigent Defense Resource Parity Brennan Center for Justice, September, 2019“Chronic underfunding has led to drastic resource disparities between prosecutors and defenders, undermining the very basis of our criminal legal system.”
  • Are a Disproportionate Number of Federal Judges Former Government Advocates? The Cato Institute, September, 2019“The key takeaway is that the federal judiciary is massively tilted in favor of former prosecutors over former criminal defense attorneys, and in favor of advocates for government more generally over advocates for individuals in cases against government.”
  • The Right to Counsel in Wayne County, Michigan: Evaluation of Assigned Counsel Services in the Third Judicial Circuit Sixth Amendment Center, August, 2019“Every aspect of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel is impaired.”
  • Misdemeanor Appeals Nancy J. King and Michael Heise, July, 2019(Authors found that appellate courts review no more than eight in 10,000 misdemeanor convictions, and disturb only one conviction or sentence out of every 10,000 misdemeanor judgments.)
  • When Music Takes the Stand: A Content Analysis of How Courts Use and Misuse Rap Lyrics in Criminal Cases Erin Lutes, James Purdon, and Henry F. Fradella, May, 2019“The analyses demonstrate that rap evidence is routinely admitted against defendants in criminal proceedings, even in cases in which the prejudicial effect of such evidence clearly outweighs its probative value.”
  • Report on the Bronx 120 Mass "Gang" Prosecution Babe Howell and Priscilla Bustamante, April, 2019“The Bronx 120 indictments appear not only to be overbroad and unfair, but they seem profoundly unwise.”
  • The Effects of Holistic Defense on Criminal Justice Outcomes RAND Corporation, January, 2019“Over the ten-year study period, holistic defense in the Bronx resulted in nearly 1.1 million fewer days of custodial punishment.”
  • Orleans Criminal District Court, Magistrate Court, & Municipal Court: 2017 Review Court Watch NOLA, May, 2018“This report explores the topics of constitutional rights and the experience of both victims and the public at large in the Orleans Parish criminal courts and the larger criminal justice system during 2017.”
  • Exonerations in 2017 The National Registry of Exonerations, March, 2018“The National Registry of Exonerations has recorded 139 exonerations in 2017.”
  • Exonerations in the United States Before 1989 National Registry of Exonerations, March, 2018“This year we have added stories and data about 369 earlier exonerations, from 1820 through 1988.”
  • report thumbnail New data: The rise of the "prosecutor politician" Prison Policy Initiative, July, 2017“Shugerman argues that the prosecutor's office has become a "stepping stone for higher office... with dramatic consequences in American criminal law and mass incarceration."”
  • Judicial Politics and Sentencing Decisions Alma Cohen and Crystal S. Yang, June, 2017“Exploiting the random assignment of cases to judges, we find that Republican appointed judges sentence black defendants to longer prison terms than similar whites compared to Democratic appointed judges.”
  • Testing The Impact of Criminal Jury Instructions on Verdicts: A Conceptual Replication Columbia Law Review, March, 2017“Mock jurors who were instructed “not to search for doubt” but instead “to search for the truth” convicted at a significantly higher rate than mock jurors who were properly instructed on reasonable doubt.”
  • Exonerations in 2016: The National Registry of Exonerations The National Registry of Exonerations, University of Michigan Law School, March, 2017“A record 94 exonerations in 2016 were cases in which no crime actually occurred.”
  • Race and Wrongful Convictions in the United States National Registry of Exonerations, University of Michigan Law School, March, 2017“Innocent black murder suspects, especially those who are falsely convicted...are additional victims of murders committed by others. Those who have been exonerated spent on average more than 14 years in prison before they were released.”
  • Right to Counsel Services in the 50 States: An Indigent Defense Reference Guide for Policymakers Sixth Amendment Center, March, 2017“The variations amongst how states deal with the Sixth Amendment does not stop at funding and oversight. The number of structural approaches to providing lawyers to the poor is great.”
  • Emotional Judges and Unlucky Juveniles Ozkan Eren and Naci Mocan, September, 2016“We show that upset losses of the LSU football team increase disposition (sentence) length imposed by judges, and that this effect persists throughout the work week following a Saturday game.”
  • Is Justice Really Blind? Race and Reversal in US Courts Journal of Legal Studies, July, 2016“[B]lack federal judges are consistently overturned on appeal more often than similar white judges.”
  • The Gavel Gap: Who Sits in Judgment on State Courts? American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, June, 2016“We find that courts are not representative of the people whom they serve -- that is, a gap exists between the bench and the citizens.”
  • In Your State Gideon at 50, April, 2016“This interactive map provides the public and policy-makers with a birds-eye view of some of the most critical aspects of the provision of public defense.”
  • Prosecutorial Oversight: A National Dialogue in the Wake of Connick v. Thompson Innocence Project, March, 2016“There are almost no adequate systems in place to keep prosecutorial error and misconduct in check and, in fact, prosecutors are rarely held accountable even for intentional misconduct.”
  • Exonerations in 2015 The National Registry of Exonerations, February, 2016“2015 set a record for exonerations in the United States - 149 that we know of so far, in 29 states, the District of Columbia, federal courts and Guam.”
  • Snapshot of Indigent Defense Representation in Michigan's Adult Criminal Courts Michigan Indigent Defense Commission, February, 2016“The first survey of indigent defense court systems is just one part of an extensive, multipronged data gathering strategy that the MIDC will use to initiate comprehensive system change.”
  • Right to Counsel in Utah: An Assessment of Trial-Level Indigent Defense Services Sixth Amendment Center, October, 2015“Utah’s trial courts do not uniformly provide counsel to indigent defendants at all critical stages of criminal cases as required by the U.S. Supreme Court[.]”
  • Blackstrikes: A Study of the Racially Disparate Use of Preemptory Challenges by the Caddo Parish District Attorney's Office Reprieve Australia, August, 2015“In short, over the course of a ten year period, Caddo parish prosecutors exercised peremptory challenges against black prospective jurors at more than three times the rate at which they exercised peremptory challenges against white prospective jurors.”
  • Stuck in the '70s: The Demographics of California Prosecutors Stanford Criminal Justice Center, July, 2015“Latinos are almost 39 percent of the population but only nine percent of California prosecutors.”
  • A Prosecutor's Guide for Advancing Racial Equity Vera Institute of Justice, March, 2015“Despite efforts to be fair and equitable, prosecutors may unintentionally contribute to the overrepresentation of minorities in the nation’s courtrooms, prisons, and jails.”
  • Don't I Need A Lawyer? Pretrial Justice and the Right to Counsel at First Judicial Bail Hearing The Constitution Project, March, 2015“It describes the far-reaching and well-documented adverse effects of denying counsel at the earliest stages of a criminal prosecution, a situation that presents numerous constitutional concerns.”
  • Not Just a Ferguson Problem: How Traffic Courts Drive Inequality in California Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, March, 2015“As a result, over four million Californians do not have valid driver’s licenses because they cannot afford to pay traffic fines and fees.”
  • Exonerations in 2014: The National Registry of Exonerations The National Registry of Exonerations, January, 2015“The National Registry of Exonerations has recorded 125 exonerations in 2014. The previous highest total was 91 in 2012.”
  • Guidelines for Indigent Defense Caseloads: A Report to the Texas Indigent Defense Commission Public Policy Research Institute, January, 2015(The problems in providing criminal defense representation for the indigent in state courts are well documented. But of all the difficulties, none has proven more vexing than outrageously high caseloads of public defenders and sometimes private lawyers.)
  • 21 Principles for the 21st Century Prosecutor Brennan Center for Justice, 2015“Given their powers, prosecutors are well positioned to make changes that can roll back over-incarceration. They can use their discretion to improve the overall fairness and efficacy of the criminal justice system.”
  • Whitewashing the Jury Box: How California Perpetuates the Discriminatory Exclusion of Black and Latinx Jurors Berkeley Law Death Penalty Clinic, 2015“We evaluated nearly 700 cases decided by the California Courts of Appeal from 2006 through 2018, which involved objections to prosecutors' peremptory challenges. In nearly 72% of these cases, district attorneys used their strikes to remove Black jurors.”
  • Justice for All? Women Donors Network, 2015“95% of elected prosecutors are white. 85% of prosecutors run for election unopposed.”
  • Justice Derailed: A case study of abusive and unconstitutional practices in Colorado city courts ACLU of Colorado, 2015“Colorado's municipal courts operate with little meaningful statewide oversight or accountability, providing an opportunity for civil liberties violations and other abusive practices to occur unnoticed, unreported, and unaddressed by state agencies.”
  • Unlocking the Black Box: How the Prosecutorial Transparency Act Will Empower Communities and Help End Mass Incarceration ACLU, 2015(We cannot end mass incarceration until we transform the practices of prosecutors. This requires a far more complete picture of how they are making their decisions as well as the direct impact of those decisions on individuals and communities.)
  • Defendant Remorse, Need for Affect, and Juror Sentencing Decisions Emily Corwin, Louisiana State Univeristy; Professor Robert Cramer, Sam Houston State University; Desiree Griffin, Southern Virginia Mental Health Institute; Professor Stanley Brodsky, University of Alabama, 2015“Incongruent verbal and nonverbal behavior, as well as mock juror willingness to approach emotional situations (i.e., high need for affect resulted in more lenient sentences for defendants.”
  • Conviction Integrity Units: Vanguard of Criminal Justice Reform Center for Prosecutor Integrity, December, 2014“In regard to exonerations, the nine CIUS are credited with 61 exonerations.”
  • Public Safety - Municipal Courts Better Together, October, 2014“This means that the municipal courts in the St. Louis region accounted for 46% of all fines and fees collected statewide, despite being home to only 22% of Missourians.”
  • Skewed Justice: Citizens United, Television Advertising and State Supreme Court Justices' Decisions in Criminal Cases Emory Law School; American Constitution Society, October, 2014“In a state with 10,000 ads, a doubling of airings is associated on average with an 8 percent increase in justices' voting against a criminal defendant's appeal.”
  • It's Not Just Ferguson: Missouri Supreme Court Should Consolidate the Municipal Court System Arch City Defenders, July, 2014(This paper examines six municipalities in St. Louis County and offers a series of reforms, including the consolidation of St. Louis County's 81 municipal courts into a single regional court system.)
  • Rate of False Conviction of Criminal Defendants Who are Sentenced to Death University of Michigan Law School, March, 2014“The rate of exonerations among death sentences in the United States is far higher than for any other category of criminal convictions.”
  • Redefining Indigence: Financial Eligibility Guidelines for Assigned Counsel National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, March, 2014“A defendant making just above 125 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines receives federal assistance to pay for food, heat and medical care for their children but is somehow not regarded by some states as too poor to hire a lawyer.”
  • The Crucible of Adversarial Testing Access to counsel in Delaware's criminal courts Sixth Amendment Center, February, 2014“As such, it is our opinion that Delaware triages justice to the detriment of a large number of defendants that come before its criminal and family courts.”
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse How US Federal Prosecutors Force Drug Defendants to Plead Guilty Human Rights Watch, December, 2013“In 2012, the average sentence of federal drug offenders convicted after trial was three times higher (16 years) than that received after a guilty plea (5 years and 4 months).”
  • State Court Organization, 2011 Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2013“From 1980 to 2011, the number of state trial court judges increased 11%, from 24,784 to 27,570 (figure 1). During the same period, the U.S. population increased 37%, and arrests in the U.S. increased 19%.”
  • Race, Justifiable Homicide, and Stand Your Ground Laws: Analysis of FBI Supplementary Homicide Report Data Urban Institute, July, 2013“Regardless of how the data are analyzed, substantial racial disparities exist in the outcomes of cross-race homicides. In addition, the recent expansion of Stand Your Ground laws in two dozen states appears to worsen the disparity.”
  • Gideon at 50: Three Reforms to Revive the Right to Counsel Brennan Center for Justice, April, 2013“Recommendations include: legalizing some petty offenses or reclassifying them into non-jailable civil infractions; increase funding for public defense; Increase effectiveness by funding regular trainings for attorneys and adding social workers.”
  • The National Registry of Exonerations: Update 2012 National Registry of Exonerations, April, 2013“For all exonerations, the most common causal factors that we have identified are: perjury or false accusation (52%); official misconduct (43%); and mistaken eyewitness identification (41%).”
  • Rationing Justice: The Underfunding of Assigned Counsel Systems -- A 50-State Survey of Trial Court Assigned Counsel Rates National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, March, 2013“A combination of low hourly rates, fee limitations and the use of flat fees discourages attorneys from providing zealous representation and can give rise to serious conflicts of interest.”
  • Pretrial Detention And Misconduct In Federal District Courts, 1995-2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics, February, 2013“The number of defendants with cases disposed in federal district courts more than doubled from 45,635 in 1995 to 100,622 in 2010.”
  • Improving Discovery in Criminal Cases in Texas: How Best Practices Contribute to Criminal Justice Texas Appleseed, February, 2013“Witness statements are often crucial to the evaluation and defense of a criminal case. While most states require pre-trial disclosure of witness statements or lists, Texas does not.”
  • National Indigent Defense Reform: The Solution is Multifaceted National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, January, 2013“The report discusses 1) front-end reform, 2) the delivery of services, including the importance of standards and commissions, and 3) the need for collaboration and cooperation with others within and outside the criminal justice system.”
  • In Search of Racial Justice: The Role of the Prosecutor New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, 2013“ of every three African American males born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as can one of every six Latino males. One of every eighteen African American females and one of every forty-five Hispanic females face a similar fate.”
  • An Epidemic of Prosecutor Misconduct Center for Prosecutor Integrity, 2013“An analysis by the Northern California Innocence Project found out of 707 cases of court-identified misconduct, only six prosecutors (fewer than 1%) were disciplined by the State Bar.”
  • The Anatomy of Discretion: An Analysis of Prosecutorial Decision Making Vera Institute of Justice, December, 2012“While prosecutorial discretion is generally seen as very broad and unconstrained, prosecutors often rely on a fairly limited array of legal and quasi-legal factors to make decisions, and are further constrained by several contextual factors.”
  • Pretrial Release and Misconduct in Federal District Courts, 2008-2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2012“About half (51%) of defendants with no prior arrest history were released pretrial, compared to 34% of defendants with 2 to 4 prior arrests and 21% of defendants with more than 10 prior arrests.”
  • Ineffective Assistance of Library: The Failings and the Future of Prison Law Libraries Jonathan Abel, June, 2012“The courts' attempts to graft an access-to-courts rationale onto a law library system that had developed for other purposes led to a law library doctrine riddled with contradictions and doomed to failure.”
  • Increasing Court-Appearance Rates and Other Benefits of Live-Caller Telephone Court-Date Reminders: The Jefferson County, Colorado, FTA Pilot Project and Resulting Court Date Notification Program Timothy R. Schnake, Michael R. Jones, and Dorian M. Wilderman, June, 2012“Telephone reminders using live callers work. They increase court appearance rates, dramatically reducing the significant costs associated with FTAs (failures to appear) and FTA warrants.”
  • Post-Conviction DNA Testing and Wrongful Conviction Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center, June, 2012
  • Adult Criminal Justice Case Processing in Washington, DC Urban Institute, February, 2012“For every 150 arrests for a felony in the District, 100 have formal charges filed, 53 result in a conviction, 16 result in prison, and 4 result in a”
  • A Stubborn Legacy: The Overwhelming Importance of Race in Jury Selection in 173 Post-Batson North Carolina Capital Trials Michigan State University College of Law, 2012“Over the twenty-year period we examined, prosecutors struck eligible black venire members at about 2.5 times the rate they struck eligible venire members who were not black.”
  • A Constitutional Default: Services to Criminal Defendants in Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission, General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, December, 2011(A study of the Commonwealth's indigent defense system concluded that the Supreme Court's mandate of free counsel has been ignored by the General Assembly and is not being fulfilled in Pennsylvania.)
  • Appeals Of Civil Trials Concluded In 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2011“The trial court verdict or judgment was fully or partly reversed in 35% of civil appeals decided on the merits.”
  • When Treatment is Punishment The Effects of Maryland's Incompetency to Stand Trial Policies and Practices Justice Policy Institute, October, 2011“Too many people found not competent to stand trial are unnecessarily locked in a secure setting for treatment and, on average, confined for longer periods than research demonstrates is clinically reasonable.”
  • System Overload The Costs of Under-Resourcing Public Defense Justice Policy Institute, July, 2011“In state-based public defender offices, 15 of the 19 reporting state programs exceeded the maximum recommended limit of felony or misdemeanor cases per attorney.”
  • State Prosecutors' Offices with Jurisdiction in Indian Country, 2007 Bureau of Justice Statistics, June, 2011“Seventy-three percent of offices with jurisdiction in Indian country reported prosecuting at least one felony case committed in Indian country.”
  • Extraneous factors in judicial decisions Shai Danziger, Jonathan Levav, and Liora Avnaim-Pesso, April, 2011“We find that the percentage of favorable rulings drops gradually from ~65% to nearly zero within each decision session and returns abruptly to ~65% after a break. Our findings suggest that judicial rulings can be swayed by extraneous variables.”
  • Punitive Damage Awards In State Courts, 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics, March, 2011“Punitive damages were awarded in 700 (5%) of the 14,359 trials where plaintiffs prevailed.”
  • Overview of Federal Criminal Cases Fiscal Year 2011 United States Sentencing Commission, 2011“Immigration cases continued to be the fastest growing segment of cases in the federal system. In fiscal year 2011, there were 29,717 immigration cases reported to the Commission, an increase of 1,213 cases from the prior fiscal year.”
  • Predicting Erroneous Convictions: A Social Science Approach to Miscarriages of Justice Jon B. Gould, Julia Carrano, Richard Leo, Joseph Young, 2011“Results indicate that 10 factors help explain why an innocent defendant, once indicted, ends up erroneously convicted rather than released.”
  • State, County and Local Expenditures for Indigent Defense Services Fiscal Year 2008 American Bar Association, November, 2010“This report provides a description of each state’s indigent defense delivery system, the total indigent defense expenditure in fiscal year 2008, and the system’s funding structure.”
  • Preventable Error A Report on Prosecutorial Misconduct in California 1997 - 2009 Northern California Innocence Project, Santa Clara University School of Law, October, 2010“[This report] is the most comprehensive, up-to-date, quantitative and actionable study on the extent of prosecutorial misconduct in CA, how the justice system identifies and addresses it, and its cost and consequences, including [wrongful convictions].”
  • State Public Defender Programs, 2007 Bureau of Justice Statistics, September, 2010(Fifteen state programs exceeded the recommended number of felony and misdemeanor cases per attorney.)
  • County-Based And Local Public Defender Offices, 2007 Bureau of Justice Statistics, September, 2010(About three-quarters (73%) of county-based public defender offices exceeded the maximum recommended limit of cases received per attorney in 2007.)
  • Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2006 Bureau of Justice Statistics, May, 2010“About a fourth of felony defendants were charged with a violent offense in 2006.”
  • Tort Bench and Jury Trials in State Courts, 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2009“In the nation's 75 most populous counties, the number of tort trials declined by about a third between 1996 and 2005.”
  • Contract Bench and Jury Trials in State Courts, 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics, September, 2009“Contract trials in 2005 most commonly involved an individual suing a business (33%), followed by a business suing another business (25%).”
  • Minor Crimes, Major Waste: The Terrible Toll of America's Broken Misdemeanor Courts National Association of Criminal defense Lawyers, April, 2009“...literally millions of accused misdemeanants, particularly those unable to hire private counsel, and disproportionately people of color, routinely are denied the due process to which the Constitution entitles them.”
  • Civil Bench and Jury Trials in State Courts, 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2008“The total number of civil trials declined by over 50% from 1992 to 2005 in the nation's 75 most populous counties.”
  • State Court Processing of Domestic Violence Cases Bureau of Justice Statistics, February, 2008“Prosecuted domestic sexual assault defendants had a higher overall conviction rate (98%) than prosecuted non-domestic sexual assault defendants (87%).”
  • State Court Organization, 1987-2004 Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2007“The report examines changes in the organization and operations of the Nation's state trial and appellate courts [from 1987-2004].”
  • Felony Sentences in the United States, 1994 Bureau of Justice Statistics, July, 2007“Between 1992 and 1994 the number of felony convictions decreased 2% in State courts and 5% in Federal courts.”
  • Resources of the Prosecution and Indigent Defense Functions in Tennessee The Spangenberg Group (commissioned by the Tennessee Justice Project), June, 2007“[I]ndigent prosecution funding is between two and two-and-a-half times greater than indigent defense funding.”
  • An Analysis of the Performance of Federal Indigent Defense Counsel National Bureau of Economic Research, June, 2007“The federal indigent defense system relies on both salaried government workers... and hourly-wage earning court-appointed private [CJA] attorneys.... Defendants with CJA ... attorneys are... more likely to be found guilty and... receive longer sentences.”
  • State Court Organization, 2004 Bureau of Justice Statistics, August, 2006
  • Prosecutors in State Courts, 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics, July, 2006“Most prosecutors (95%) relied on State operated forensic laboratories to perform DNA analysis, with about a third (34%) also using privately operated DNA labs.”
  • Appeals from General Civil Trials in 46 Large Counties, 2001-2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics, June, 2006
  • Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2002 Bureau of Justice Statistics, February, 2006“Eighty-two percent of defendants were male, including 90% or more of those charged with rape (99%), a weapons offense (96%), murder (93%), or robbery (90%). The percentage of female defendants increased from 14% in 1990 to 18% in 1998...”(Presents data collected from a representative sample of felony cases filed in the Nation's 75 largest counties during May 2002.)
  • Federal Tort Trials and Verdicts, 2002-03 Bureau of Justice Statistics, July, 2005
  • Tort Trials and Verdicts in Large Counties, 2001 Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2004
  • United States Sentencing Guidelines 2004: An Experiment That Has Failed American College of Trial Lawyers, September, 2004
  • Medical Malpractice Trials and Verdicts in Large Counties, 2001 Bureau of Justice Statistics, April, 2004
  • Civil Trial Cases and Verdicts in Large Counties, 2001 Bureau of Justice Statistics, April, 2004
  • In Defense of Public Access to Justice: An Assessment of Trial-Level Indigent Defense Services in Louisiana 40 Years After Gideon National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, March, 2004
  • Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2000 Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 2003
  • Judicial Democracy Council of State Governments, October, 2003(trends in judicial elections)
  • Justice in Jeopardy: Report of the American Bar Association Commission on the 21st Century Judiciary American Bar Association, June, 2003
  • Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2000 Bureau of Justice Statistics, June, 2003
  • Breaking the Rules: Who suffers when a prosecutor is cited for misconduct? Center for Public Integrity, June, 2003(includes online database of cases)
  • Report on Racial and Gender Bias in the Pennsylvania Judicial System Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, March, 2003
  • If you cannot afford a lawyer...: A report on Georgia's failed indigent defense system Southern Center for Human Rights, February, 2003
  • Assembly Line Justice: Mississippi's Indigent Defense Crisis NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, February, 2003
  • State Court Prosecutors in Small Districts, 2001 Bureau of Justice Statistics, January, 2003
  • Prosecutors in State Courts 2001 Bureau of Justice Statistics, May, 2002“Number of full-time prosecutors grows in nation's State court systems”
  • Public Funding of Judicial Elections: Financing Campaigns for Fair and Impartial Courts Brennan Center, 2002
  • State Court Prosecutors in Large Districts, 2001 Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 2001
  • Prisoner Petitions Filed in U.S. District Courts, 2000: With Trends, 1980-2000 Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 2001(Pages 2 and 3 track how Congress has cut prisoner's access to the courts)
  • State Court Sentencing of Convicted Felons, 1998 Statistical Tables Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 2001
  • Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2000: With trends 1982-2000 Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2001
  • Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 1998 Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2001“36% of felony defendants detained prior to case disposition”
  • State-Funded Indigent Defense Services, 1999 Bureau of Justice Statistics, September, 2001
  • Federal Criminal Appeals, 1999, with Trends 1985-99 Bureau of Justice Statistics, April, 2001“Describes the increase in the appellate caseload as a result of challenges to the sentence imposed.”
  • Muting Gideon's Trumpet: The Crisis in Indigent Criminal Defense in Texas Committee on Legal Services to the Poor on Criminal Matters, February, 2001
  • Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2000“Two of three felony defendants represented by publicly-financed counsel”
  • Promises to Keep: Achieving Fairness and Equal Justice for the Poor in Criminal Cases Southern Center for Human Rights, November, 2000
  • Indigent Defense Services in Large Counties, 1999 Bureau of Justice Statistics, November, 2000
  • State Court Organization 1998 Bureau of Justice Statistics, June, 2000
  • Elected Judges and the Death Penalty in Texas: Why Full Habeas Corpus Review by Independent Federal Judges Is Indispensable to Protecting Constitutional Rights Stephen B. Bright, 2000
  • Death in Texas: Not even a pretense of fairness Stephen Bright, Southern Center for Human Rights, July, 1999(This article appeared in The Champion.)
  • Neither Equal Nor Just: The Rationing and Denial of Legal Services to the Poor When Life and Liberty Are at Stake Stephen B. Bright, 1999
  • Can Judicial Independence be Attained in the South? Overcoming History, Elections, and Misperceptions About the Role of the Judiciary Stephen B. Bright, July, 1998
  • Indigent Defense Bureau of Justice Statistics, February, 1996
  • Federal Habeas Corpus Review: Challenging State Court Criminal Convictions Bureau of Justice Statistics, September, 1995(samples cases in 18 courts in 9 states)
  • Spouse Murder Defendants in Large Urban Counties Bureau of Justice Statistics, May, 1995
  • Judges and the Politics of Death: Deciding Between the Bill of Rights and the Next Election in Capital Cases Stephen B. Bright, 1995
  • Counsel for the Poor: The Death Sentence Not for the Worst Crime but for the Worst Lawyer Stephen B. Bright, May, 1994

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